Chapter 191 Oregon Laws 2011




HB 2354


Relating to property tax exemption for tax-exempt corporation low income housing; amending section 6, chapter 660, Oregon Laws 1985.


Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:


          SECTION 1. Section 6, chapter 660, Oregon Laws 1985, as amended by section 1, chapter 108, Oregon Laws 1993, and section 1, chapter 215, Oregon Laws 2003, is amended to read:

          Sec. 6. ORS 307.540 to 307.548 apply to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 1985, and before July 1, [2014] 2027.


Approved by the Governor June 1, 2011


Filed in the office of Secretary of State June 2, 2011


Effective date January 1, 2012
