70th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--1999 Regular Session Enrolled House Bill 2074 Ordered printed by the Speaker pursuant to House Rule 12.00A (5). Presession filed (at the request of Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center) CHAPTER ................ AN ACT Relating to the Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center; creating new provisions; amending ORS 565.030 and 565.107; and appropriating money. Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon: SECTION 1. { + The Director of the Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center may accept gifts, grants and donations of moneys, property or any other valuable thing on behalf of the Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center. Unless use of moneys, property or valuable things received under this section is limited by the donor or grantor, the moneys, property or valuable thing may be used in any manner that the Oregon State Fair Commission determines to be consistent with the intent of the donor or grantor. + } SECTION 2. ORS 565.030 is amended to read: 565.030. (1) The Oregon State Fair Commission shall provide advice and assistance to the Director of the Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center on matters regarding the operation of the Oregon State Fair and shall solicit and encourage support throughout the state to improve the quality of and participation in the fair to achieve the purposes and objectives of ORS 565.050. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, without the prior approval of the commission, the director shall not: (a) Award any contract for services in excess of $1,000 to be performed at the Oregon State Fair; (b) Authorize any expenditure of moneys appropriated to the Oregon State Fair in excess of $10,000; { - or - } { + (c) Authorize a disposition of moneys, property or other valuable things received by gift, grant or donation under section 1 of this 1999 Act unless the disposition is expressly required under the terms of the gift, grant or donation; or + } { - (c) - } { + (d) + } Substantially change the character of the activities traditionally conducted at the Oregon State Fair. SECTION 3. ORS 565.107 is amended to read: 565.107. (1) The Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center Account is created as an account separate and distinct from the General Fund of the State Treasury. The account shall consist of: Enrolled House Bill 2074 (HB 2074-INTRO) Page 1 (a) Proceeds from the sale of revenue bonds authorized to be issued by ORS 565.095. (b) Interest earned on moneys held for debt service payments, rebates and the proceeds from the sale of revenue bonds pursuant to ORS 565.095, notwithstanding ORS 293.140, including moneys held since December 17, 1986. Such interest earnings shall be separately accounted for within the { - Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center - } account and shall be available only for the purpose of retiring bond indebtedness. (c) Moneys received by the Director of the Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center from activities conducted at the Oregon State Fair and the Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center. (d) Moneys received by the director { - of the Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center - } by appropriation, gift { + , + } { - or - } grant { + or other donation + } from any source or otherwise paid to the director pursuant to law. { + Moneys received as a result of a gift, grant or donation shall be separately accounted for within the account and shall be available only for the purpose specified in the gift, grant or donation or, if no purpose is specified, for any purpose that the Oregon State Fair Commission determines is consistent with the intent of the donor or grantor. (e) Interest earned on moneys received by the director as a result of a gift, grant or donation. The interest earnings shall be separately accounted for within the account and shall be available only for the purpose specified in the gift, grant or donation or, if no purpose is specified, for any purpose that the commission determines is consistent with the intent of the donor or grantor. + } (2) The account created by subsection (1) of this section is appropriated continuously to the director { - of the Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center - } for the payment of: (a) Operating and other expenses of the Oregon State Fair and the { - Oregon State Fair and Exposition - } center. (b) Land acquisition, capital construction and capital improvements at the Oregon State Fair and the { - Oregon State Fair and Exposition - } center. (c) Principal and interest on all revenue bonds issued pursuant to ORS 565.095. { + (d) Any purpose designated by the donor or grantor of a gift, grant or donation, or for any other purpose that the commission determines is consistent with the intent of the donor or grantor, to the extent of gift, grant, donation and resulting interest moneys within the account. + } ---------- Enrolled House Bill 2074 (HB 2074-INTRO) Page 2 Passed by House March 16, 1999 ........................................................... Chief Clerk of House ........................................................... Speaker of House Passed by Senate May 24, 1999 ........................................................... President of Senate Enrolled House Bill 2074 (HB 2074-INTRO) Page 3 Received by Governor: ......M.,............., 1999 Approved: ......M.,............., 1999 ........................................................... Governor Filed in Office of Secretary of State: ......M.,............., 1999 ........................................................... Secretary of State Enrolled House Bill 2074 (HB 2074-INTRO) Page 4