Chapter 680


ATTY. GEN. OPINIONS: Where liability lies as between physician or dentist who signs statement of oral health for patient and denturist who prepares dentures, when patient develops denture-related health problems or other oral difficulty, (1979) Vol 39, p 670; Personal direction and general supervision requirement of licensing provisions for dental hygienists, (1981) Vol. 42, p 165






      “Denture” includes any removable prosthetic dental appliance that replaces all teeth in upper or lower jaw, regardless of whether appliance rests solely on soft tissue. Oregon State Denturist Association v. Oregon Board of Dentistry, 172 Or App 693, 19 P3d 986 (2001)


ATTY. GEN. OPINIONS: Practice of denture technology by person not certified as denturist nor working under supervision of denturist, (1979) Vol 39, p 670




ATTY. GEN. OPINIONS: Practice of denture technology by person not certified as denturist nor working under supervision of denturist, (1979) Vol 39, p 670




ATTY. GEN. OPINIONS: Practice of denture technology by person not certified as denturist nor working under supervision of denturist, (1979) Vol 39, p 670




ATTY. GEN. OPINIONS: Satisfaction of practical experience requirement for denturists, (1979) Vol 39, p 670; use of competency assessment or screening procedure by Health Division prior to prospective denturist’s entry into training, (1979) Vol 39, p 670




ATTY. GEN. OPINIONS: Health Division’s discretion in choosing type of examination given to denturist, (1979) Vol 39, p 670




ATTY. GEN. OPINIONS: Effect of engaging in illegal practice of denture technology prior to July 1, 1980, or conviction of illegal practice of dentistry through practicing denture technology upon denturist certification, (1979) Vol 39, p 670; power of Health Division to assure better control over potentially harmful illegal practitioners of denture technology, (1979) Vol 39, p 670




ATTY. GEN. OPINIONS: Eligibility of chiropractor or naturopath to certify patient’s oral health and mechanical sufficiency to receive dentures, (1979) Vol 39, p 670




      See annotations under ORS 680.556.






Under former similar statute


      Power of Health Division to update or improve denture technology teaching methods and curricula, (1979) Vol 39, p 670




ATTY. GEN. OPINIONS: Potential deterrent effect of this section on continuing or future illegal practice of dentistry, (1979) Vol 39, p 670