Chapter 146 — Investigations of Deaths, Injuries and Missing Persons


ORS sections in this chapter were amended or repealed by the Legislative Assembly during its 2024 regular session. See the table of ORS sections amended or repealed during the 2024 regular session: 2024 A&R Tables


New sections of law were enacted by the Legislative Assembly during its 2024 regular session and pertain to or are likely to be compiled in this ORS chapter. See sections in the following 2024 Oregon Laws chapters: 2024 Session Laws 0032; 2024 Session Laws 0072














146.003     Definitions for ORS 146.003 to 146.189 and 146.710 to 146.992


(Administrative Provisions)


146.015     State Medical Examiner Advisory Board; appointment of Chief Medical Examiner; rules


146.025     Functions of board


146.035     Chief Medical Examiner; personnel; records; right to examine records


146.045     Duties of Chief Medical Examiner; persons missing at sea, in wilderness or in forested environment


146.055     Advice; autopsies; training programs; report


146.065     Local medical examiners; appointment; Deputy State Medical Examiner


146.075     District office duties; personnel; expenses for certain duties; records and reports


146.080     Assistant district medical examiner


146.085     Medical-legal death investigators


146.088     Officer or employee of public body


146.090     Deaths requiring investigation


146.095     Investigation; certification; report; training


146.100     Where death considered to have occurred; notification of death required


146.102     Guidance concerning overdose death communication; notification


146.103     Removal of body, effects or weapons prohibited without consent


146.107     Authority to enter and secure certain premises; court order


146.109     Notification of next of kin


146.113     Authority to order removal of body fluids


146.117     Autopsies


146.121     Disposition of body; filing; expenses


146.125     Disposition of personal property




146.135     Authority to order inquest


146.145     Jury of inquest


146.155     Inquest proceedings


146.165     Verdict; findings; testimony and verdict of inquest as admissible evidence in subsequent proceedings




146.171     Unidentified human remains; maintenance of records


146.174     Medical examiner to provide information about unidentified human remains; identification


146.177     Procedures for investigating missing persons


146.181     Missing persons; police report; supplementary report


146.184     Medical practitioners to provide information about missing persons


146.187     DNA sample


146.189     Use of records to identify human remains and missing persons; disposition of records




146.710     Definition for ORS 146.710 to 146.780


146.730     Investigation


146.740     Reports of medical examiner


146.750     Injuries to be reported to law enforcement agency


146.760     Immunity of participant in making of report


146.780     Confidentiality of records and reports




146.992     Penalties


      146.001 [Formerly 146.087; repealed by 1987 c.517 §1 (432.300 enacted in lieu of 146.001)]






      146.003 Definitions for ORS 146.003 to 146.189 and 146.710 to 146.992. As used in ORS 146.003 to 146.189 and 146.710 to 146.992, unless the context requires otherwise:

      (1) “Approved laboratory” means a laboratory approved by the Chief Medical Examiner as competent to perform the blood sample analysis required by ORS 146.113 (2).

      (2) “Assistant district medical examiner” means a physician appointed by the district medical examiner to investigate and certify deaths within a county or district.

      (3) “Cause of death” means the primary or basic disease process or injury ending life.

      (4) “Death requiring investigation” means the death of a person occurring in any one of the circumstances set forth in ORS 146.090.

      (5) “District medical examiner” means a physician appointed by the Chief Medical Examiner to investigate and certify deaths within a county or district, including a Deputy State Medical Examiner.

      (6) “Law enforcement agency” means a county sheriff’s office, municipal police department, police department established by a university under ORS 352.121 or 353.125 and the Oregon State Police.

      (7) “Legal intervention” includes an execution pursuant to ORS 137.463, 137.467 and 137.473 and other legal use of force resulting in death.

      (8) “Manner of death” means the designation of the probable mode of production of the cause of death, including natural, accidental, suicidal, homicidal, legal intervention or undetermined.

      (9) “Medical examiner” means a physician appointed as provided by ORS 146.003 to 146.189 to investigate and certify the cause and manner of deaths requiring investigation, including the Chief Medical Examiner.

      (10) “Medical-legal death investigator” means a person appointed by the district medical examiner to assist in the investigation of deaths within a county.

      (11) “Pathologist” means a physician holding a current license to practice medicine and surgery and who is eligible for certification by the American Board of Pathology.

      (12) “Unidentified human remains” does not include human remains that are unidentified human remains that are part of an archaeological site or suspected of being Native American and covered under ORS chapters 97 and 390 and ORS 358.905 to 358.961. [1973 c.408 §1a; 1995 c.744 §17; 2007 c.500 §1; 2011 c.506 §18; 2013 c.180 §18; 2017 c.151 §3]


      146.005 [1959 c.629 §8; 1965 c.221 §14; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.010 [Amended by 1959 c.629 §16; renumbered 10.810]


(Administrative Provisions)


      146.015 State Medical Examiner Advisory Board; appointment of Chief Medical Examiner; rules. (1) There is hereby established the State Medical Examiner Advisory Board.

      (2) The board shall make policies for the administration of ORS 146.003 to 146.189 and the Department of State Police shall adopt rules to effectuate the policies.

      (3) The board shall recommend the name or names of pathologists to the Superintendent of State Police from which the superintendent shall appoint the Chief Medical Examiner.

      (4) The board consists of 11 members appointed by the Governor who are:

      (a) The Chair of the Department of Pathology of the Oregon Health and Science University, who is the chairperson of the board;

      (b) The State Health Officer;

      (c) A sheriff;

      (d) A trauma physician recommended by the State Trauma Advisory Board;

      (e) A pathologist;

      (f) A district attorney;

      (g) A funeral service practitioner and embalmer licensed by the State Mortuary and Cemetery Board;

      (h) A chief of police;

      (i) A member of the defense bar;

      (j) A member of the public at large; and

      (k) A member of one of the federally recognized Oregon Indian tribes.

      (5) The members described in subsection (4)(a) and (b) of this section may serve as long as they hold their respective positions. The term of office of each member described in subsection (4)(c), (f) and (h) of this section is for four years, except that the position becomes vacant if the member ceases to be a sheriff, district attorney or chief of police, respectively. The terms of office of the other members of the State Medical Examiner Advisory Board are for four years.

      (6) A member of the board is entitled to compensation and expenses as provided in ORS 292.495.

      (7) The board shall meet annually at a time and place determined by the chairperson. The chairperson or any four members of the board may call a special meeting upon not less than one week’s notice to the members of the board.

      (8) Six members of the board constitute a quorum. [1973 c.408 §2; 1995 c.744 §9; 2011 c.28 §1; 2017 c.151 §4]


      146.020 [Renumbered 10.820]


      146.025 Functions of board. In addition to the duties set forth in ORS 146.015 the State Medical Examiner Advisory Board shall:

      (1) Recommend to the Oregon Department of Administrative Services the qualifications and compensation for the positions of Chief Medical Examiner and Deputy State Medical Examiner.

      (2) Recommend to the county courts the compensation of the district medical examiners and assistant district medical examiners.

      (3) Recommend to district medical examiners and district attorneys the qualifications for medical-legal death investigators.

      (4) Approve or disapprove of a single district medical examiner’s office for two or more counties as provided by ORS 146.065 (5).

      (5) Recommend a proposed budget for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner to the Department of State Police.

      (6) Annually review the Chief Medical Examiner’s report prescribed by ORS 146.055 and report to the Superintendent of State Police and to the State Board of Health regarding the operation of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. [1973 c.408 §3; 1995 c.744 §10; 2017 c.151 §5]


      146.030 [1959 c.629 §10; 1965 c.221 §15; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.035 Chief Medical Examiner; personnel; records; right to examine records. (1) There is established within the Department of State Police the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for the purpose of directing and supporting the state death investigation program.

      (2) The Chief Medical Examiner shall manage all aspects of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner’s program.

      (3) Subject to the State Personnel Relations Law, the Chief Medical Examiner may employ or discharge other personnel of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

      (4) The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner shall:

      (a) File and maintain appropriate reports on all deaths requiring investigation.

      (b) Maintain an accurate list of all active district medical examiners, assistant district medical examiners and designated pathologists.

      (c) Transmit monthly to the Department of Transportation a report for the preceding calendar month of all information obtained under ORS 146.113.

      (5) Notwithstanding ORS 192.345 (36):

      (a) Any parent, spouse, sibling, child or personal representative of the deceased, or any person who may be criminally or civilly liable for the death, or their authorized representatives respectively, may examine and obtain copies of any medical examiner’s report, autopsy report or laboratory test report ordered by a medical examiner under ORS 146.117.

      (b) The system described in ORS 192.517 (1) shall have access to reports described in this subsection as provided in ORS 192.517. [1973 c.408 §4; 1987 c.142 §1; 1995 c.504 §3; 1995 c.744 §8; 2003 c.14 §60; 2005 c.498 §1; 2009 c.222 §§3,5; 2011 c.9 §7; 2013 c.1 §§6,7; 2015 c.14 §3; 2017 c.151 §6]


      146.040 [1959 c.629 §1; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.045 Duties of Chief Medical Examiner; persons missing at sea, in wilderness or in forested environment. (1) After consultation with the State Medical Examiner Advisory Board, the Chief Medical Examiner shall appoint each Deputy State Medical Examiner.

      (2) The Chief Medical Examiner shall:

      (a) Appoint and discharge each district medical examiner as provided by ORS 146.065 (2).

      (b) Designate those pathologists authorized to perform autopsies under ORS 146.117 (2).

      (c) Approve those laboratories authorized to perform the analyses required under ORS 146.113 (2).

      (3) The Chief Medical Examiner may:

      (a) Assume control of a death investigation in cooperation with the district attorney.

      (b) Order an autopsy in a death requiring investigation.

      (c) Certify the cause and manner of a death requiring investigation.

      (d) Amend a previously completed report on a death requiring investigation.

      (e) Order a body exhumed in a death requiring investigation.

      (f) Designate a Deputy State Medical Examiner as Acting Chief Medical Examiner.

      (g) After a reasonable and thorough investigation, complete and file a report of death for a person whose body is not found.

      (4) Distribution of moneys from the Chief Medical Examiner’s budget for partial reimbursement of each county’s autopsy expenditures shall be made subject to approval of the Chief Medical Examiner.

      (5) Within 45 days of receipt of information that a person is missing at sea and presumed dead, the Chief Medical Examiner shall determine whether the information is credible and, if so, complete and file a report of death for the person presumed dead. If the information is determined not to be credible, the Chief Medical Examiner may continue the death investigation.

      (6)(a) If the Search and Rescue Coordinator and a county sheriff investigate a person missing in the wilderness or a forested environment and determine that the person is believed to be deceased, the sheriff shall send documentation of the investigation and determination to the Chief Medical Examiner.

      (b) Within seven days after receiving documentation under paragraph (a) of this subsection, the Chief Medical Examiner shall evaluate the credibility of the investigation and the determination that the person is believed to be deceased.

      (c) If the Chief Medical Examiner, based on the evaluation under paragraph (b) of this subsection and the Chief Medical Examiner’s field of expertise, determines that there is no reasonable suspicion that the person is not deceased, the Chief Medical Examiner shall complete and file a report of death for the person believed to be deceased within 45 days after making the determination.

      (d)(A) If the Chief Medical Examiner, based on the evaluation under paragraph (b) of this subsection and the Chief Medical Examiner’s field of expertise, determines that there is a reasonable suspicion that the person is not deceased, the Chief Medical Examiner shall report to the sheriff with the basis for the determination and a list of any missing information that would aid the Chief Medical Examiner in evaluating the credibility of the investigation and the determination that the person is believed to be deceased.

      (B) Upon receiving a report under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the sheriff shall make a reasonable effort to provide the missing information listed by the Chief Medical Examiner.

      (C) After issuing a report under this paragraph, the Chief Medical Examiner shall continue the death investigation in conjunction with the sheriff and the Search and Rescue Coordinator until the sheriff issues a final report on the missing person. If, at any time, the Chief Medical Examiner determines, based on the Chief Medical Examiner’s field of expertise, that there is no reasonable suspicion that the person is not deceased, the Chief Medical Examiner shall complete and file a report of death for the person believed to be deceased within 45 days after making the determination. [1973 c.408 §5; 2005 c.90 §1; 2013 c.366 §66; 2017 c.151 §7; 2019 c.435 §1]


      146.050 [1959 c.629 §2; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.055 Advice; autopsies; training programs; report. (1) The Chief Medical Examiner shall assist and advise district medical examiners in the performance of their duties.

      (2) The Chief Medical Examiner shall perform autopsies, if in the judgment of the Chief Medical Examiner such autopsy is necessary in any death requiring investigation, when requested by a medical examiner or district attorney.

      (3) The Chief Medical Examiner shall regularly conduct training programs for the district medical examiners and law enforcement agencies.

      (4) The Chief Medical Examiner shall submit an annual report to the State Medical Examiner Advisory Board detailing the activities and accomplishments of the state and each county office in the preceding year as well as a cost analysis of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. [1973 c.408 §6; 2017 c.151 §8]


      146.060 [1959 c.629 §3; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.065 Local medical examiners; appointment; Deputy State Medical Examiner. (1) In each county there shall be a medical examiner for the purpose of investigating and certifying the cause and manner of deaths requiring investigation.

      (2) Each district medical examiner shall be appointed by the Chief Medical Examiner with approval of the appropriate board or boards of commissioners and may be discharged by the Chief Medical Examiner without such approval.

      (3) If the position of district medical examiner is vacant, the local health officer shall temporarily act as medical examiner in cooperation with the Chief Medical Examiner until the vacancy is filled.

      (4) If the positions of district medical examiner and local health officer are both vacant, the district attorney shall temporarily act as medical examiner in cooperation with the Chief Medical Examiner until the vacancy is filled.

      (5) Two or more counties, with the approval of the State Medical Examiner Advisory Board and commissioners of each county, may form a district medical examiner’s office instead of an office for each such county.

      (6) When a county or district has a population of 200,000 or more persons, the Chief Medical Examiner may, with the approval of the State Medical Examiner Advisory Board, appoint a Deputy State Medical Examiner for that county or district.

      (7) The compensation of the Deputy State Medical Examiner shall be paid by the state from funds available for such purpose.

      (8) The services of the Deputy State Medical Examiner may be contracted by the Department of State Police. These contracts may be terminated by either party at any time by written notice to the other party to the agreement and, upon termination, the appointment of such Deputy State Medical Examiner is terminated. [1973 c.408 §7; 1995 c.744 §11; 2015 c.736 §50; 2017 c.151 §9]


      146.070 [1959 c.629 §4; 1969 c.314 §8; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.075 District office duties; personnel; expenses for certain duties; records and reports. (1) The district medical examiner shall serve as the administrator of the district medical examiner’s office. Subject to applicable provisions of a county personnel policy or civil service law, the district medical examiner may employ such other personnel as the district medical examiner deems necessary to operate the office.

      (2) All expenses of equipping, maintaining and operating the district medical examiner’s office, including the compensation of the district medical examiner and assistant district medical examiners, shall be paid by the county or counties of the district from funds budgeted for such purpose.

      (3) When a district medical examiner also serves as local health officer, the county shall separately budget the compensation and expenses to be paid for medical examiner’s duties.

      (4) All expenses of death investigations shall be paid from county funds budgeted for such purpose except that, in counties under 200,000 population upon the approval of the Chief Medical Examiner, one-half of the costs of autopsies ordered under ORS 146.117 shall be paid annually by the state from funds for such purpose. If funds available for this payment are insufficient to meet one-half of these costs, even proportional payments to the counties shall be made.

      (5) Expenses of burial or other disposition of an unclaimed body shall be paid by the county where the death occurs, as provided by ORS 146.100 (2), in the manner provided by ORS 146.121 (4).

      (6) Each district office shall maintain copies of the:

      (a) Reports of death investigation by the medical examiner;

      (b) Autopsy reports;

      (c) Laboratory analysis reports; and

      (d) Inventories of money or property of the deceased taken into custody during the investigation.

      (7) Reports and inventories maintained by the district office shall be available for inspection as provided by ORS 146.035 (5).

      (8) Copies of reports of death investigations by medical examiners and autopsy reports shall be forwarded to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

      (9) Each district office shall maintain current records of:

      (a) All assistant district medical examiners appointed.

      (b) Appointments of each medical-legal death investigator appointed for the county or district.

      (c) The name, address and director of each licensed funeral home located within the county or district.

      (10) Each district office shall immediately in writing notify the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of all appointments and resignations of their medical examiners. [1973 c.408 §8; 1987 c.142 §2; 2015 c.736 §51; 2017 c.151 §10]


      146.080 Assistant district medical examiner. (1) Each district medical examiner may appoint one or more assistant district medical examiners.

      (2) The qualifications of an assistant district medical examiner shall be prescribed by the State Medical Examiner Advisory Board.

      (3) When delegated by the district medical examiner, an assistant district medical examiner shall:

      (a) Assist the district medical examiner in investigating and certifying deaths.

      (b) Have the authority and responsibility to investigate and certify deaths requiring investigation. [1973 c.408 §10]


      146.085 Medical-legal death investigators. (1) The district medical examiner shall appoint, subject to the approval of the district attorney and applicable civil service regulations, qualified medical-legal death investigators, including the sheriff or a deputy sheriff and a member of the Oregon State Police for each county. Other peace officers may also be appointed as medical-legal death investigators.

      (2) The district medical examiner and the district attorney shall establish qualifications for medical-legal death investigators.

      (3) Each medical-legal death investigator shall be individually appointed and the name of the medical-legal death investigator shall be on file in the office of the district medical examiner.

      (4) A medical-legal death investigator shall investigate deaths subject to the control and direction of the district medical examiner or the district attorney.

      (5) A medical-legal death investigator may authorize the removal of the body of a deceased person from the apparent place of death.

      (6) The medical-legal death investigator may not authorize embalming, order a post-mortem examination or autopsy, or certify the cause and manner of death. [1973 c.408 §11; 2017 c.151 §11]


      146.087 [1975 c.565 §1; renumbered 146.001]


      146.088 Officer or employee of public body. A district medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator, assistant district medical examiner or designated pathologist is deemed to be an officer or employee of a public body for purposes of ORS 30.260 to 30.300 while acting as a district medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator, assistant district medical examiner or designated pathologist. [1995 c.744 §13; 2017 c.151 §12]


      146.090 Deaths requiring investigation. (1) The medical examiner shall investigate and certify the cause and manner of all human deaths:

      (a) Apparently homicidal, suicidal or occurring under suspicious or unknown circumstances;

      (b) Resulting from the unlawful use of controlled substances or the use or abuse of chemicals or toxic agents;

      (c) Occurring while incarcerated in any jail, correction facility or in police custody;

      (d) Apparently accidental or following an injury;

      (e) By disease, injury or toxic agent during or arising from employment;

      (f) While not under the care of a physician during the period immediately previous to death;

      (g) Related to disease which might constitute a threat to the public health; or

      (h) In which a human body apparently has been disposed of in an offensive manner.

      (2) As used in this section, “offensive manner” means a manner offensive to the generally accepted standards of the community. [1973 c.408 §12; 1979 c.744 §4; 1985 c.207 §1]


      146.095 Investigation; certification; report; training. (1) The district medical examiner and the district attorney for the county where death occurs, as provided by ORS 146.100 (2), shall be responsible for the investigation of all deaths requiring investigation.

      (2) The medical examiner shall certify the manner and the cause of all deaths which the medical examiner is required to investigate. The report of death shall be submitted to a county registrar as required by ORS 432.133.

      (3) The medical examiner shall make a report of death investigation to the Chief Medical Examiner as soon as possible after being notified of a death requiring investigation.

      (4) Within five days after notification of a death requiring investigation, the medical examiner shall make a written report of the investigation and file it in the district medical examiner’s office.

      (5) The district medical examiner shall supervise the assistant district medical examiners and medical-legal death investigators in cooperation with the district attorney.

      (6) The district medical examiner shall regularly conduct administrative training programs for the assistant district medical examiners, medical-legal death investigators and law enforcement agencies. [1973 c.408 §9; 2013 c.366 §67; 2017 c.151 §13]


      146.100 Where death considered to have occurred; notification of death required. (1) Death investigations shall be under the direction of the district medical examiner and the district attorney for the county where the death occurs.

      (2) For purposes of ORS 146.003 to 146.189, if the county where death occurs is unknown, the death shall be deemed to have occurred in the county where the body is found, except that if in an emergency the body is moved by conveyance to another county and is dead on arrival, the death shall be deemed to have occurred in the county from which the body was originally removed.

      (3) The district medical examiner or an assistant district medical examiner for the county where death occurs shall be immediately notified of:

      (a) All deaths requiring investigation; and

      (b) All deaths of persons admitted to a hospital or institution for less than 24 hours, although the medical examiner need not investigate nor certify such deaths.

      (4) No person having knowledge of a death requiring investigation shall intentionally or knowingly fail to make notification thereof as required by subsection (3) of this section.

      (5) The district medical examiner or medical-legal death investigator shall immediately notify the district attorney for the county where death occurs of all deaths requiring investigation except for those specified by ORS 146.090 (1)(d) to (g).

      (6) All peace officers, health care providers as defined in ORS 192.556, supervisors of penal institutions, supervisors of youth correction facilities, juvenile community supervision officers as defined in ORS 420.905, and supervisors of hospitals or institutions caring for the ill or helpless shall cooperate with the medical examiner or medical-legal death investigator by providing a decedent’s medical records and tissue samples and any other material necessary to conduct the death investigation of the decedent and shall make notification of deaths as required by subsection (3) of this section. A person who cooperates with the medical examiner or medical-legal death investigator in accordance with this subsection does not:

      (a) Waive any claim of privilege applicable to, or the confidentiality of, the materials and records provided.

      (b) Waive any claim that the materials and records are subject to an exemption from disclosure under ORS 192.311 to 192.478.

      (c) Violate the restrictions on disclosing or providing copies of reports and other materials in ORS 419A.257.

      (7) Records or materials described in subsection (6) of this section may be released by the medical examiner or medical-legal death investigator only pursuant to a valid court order.

      (8)(a) If a death is suspected to be suicide and the decedent was 24 years of age or younger, the district medical examiner or medical-legal death investigator shall notify the local mental health authority in the county where the death occurred and, if the decedent was a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe in Oregon, shall also notify the tribe’s mental health authority.

      (b) For the purposes of this subsection, the manner of death is suspected to be suicide if the district medical examiner, the assistant district medical examiner, a pathologist authorized under ORS 146.045 (2)(b) or a designee of the district medical examiner, including a medical-legal death investigator, confirms orally or in writing that the district medical examiner, assistant district medical examiner, pathologist or designee of the district medical examiner reasonably believes that the manner of death was suicide.

      (c) The notification under this subsection must include the decedent’s name, date of birth, date of death, suspected manner of death and cause of death.

      (d) The notification under this subsection may include any other information that the district medical examiner or medical-legal death investigator determines is necessary to preserve the public health and that is not otherwise protected from public disclosure by state or federal law, including information regarding the decedent’s school attended and extracurricular activities.

      (e) The district medical examiner or medical-legal death investigator must provide the notification under this subsection no later than:

      (A) 48 hours after receiving notification of the death if the county where the death occurred has a population of 400,000 or more; or

      (B) 72 hours after receiving notification of the death if the county where the death occurred has a population of fewer than 400,000.

      (9)(a) If a death is suspected to be the result of an opioid overdose or other overdose and the decedent was 24 years of age or younger, the district medical examiner or medical-legal death investigator shall notify the local mental health authority in the county where the death occurred and, if the decedent was a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe in Oregon, shall also notify the tribe’s mental health authority.

      (b) For purposes of this subsection, the cause of death is suspected to be the result of an opioid overdose or other overdose if the district medical examiner, the assistant district medical examiner, a pathologist authorized under ORS 146.045 (2)(b) or a designee of the district medical examiner, including a medical-legal death investigator, confirms orally or in writing that the district medical examiner, assistant district medical examiner, pathologist or designee of the district medical examiner reasonably believes that the cause of death was the result of an opioid overdose or other overdose.

      (c) The notification under this subsection must include the decedent’s name, date of birth, date of death, suspected manner of death and cause of death. The notification may include the information described in subsection (8)(d) of this section and be provided as required under subsection (8)(e) of this section.

      (10) As used in this section:

      (a) “Local mental health authority” has the meaning given that term in ORS 430.630.

      (b) “Opioid” means a natural, synthetic or semisynthetic chemical that interacts with opioid receptors on nerve cells in the body and brain to reduce the intensity of pain signals and feelings of pain.

      (c) “Opioid overdose” means a medical condition that causes depressed consciousness, depressed respiratory function or the impairment of vital bodily functions as a result of ingesting opioids. [1973 c.408 §13; 1985 c.207 §22; 1995 c.744 §14; 2009 c.222 §1; 2017 c.151 §14; 2021 c.185 §1; 2021 c.321 §1; 2023 c.593 §21]


      146.102 Guidance concerning overdose death communication; notification. (1) As used in this section:

      (a) “Cause of death” has the meaning given that term in ORS 146.003.

      (b) “Local mental health authority” has the meaning given that term in ORS 430.630.

      (c) “Manner of death” has the meaning given that term in ORS 146.003.

      (d) “Opioid” means a natural, synthetic or semisynthetic chemical that interacts with opioid receptors on nerve cells in the body and brain to reduce the intensity of pain signals and feelings of pain.

      (e) “Opioid overdose” means a medical condition that causes depressed consciousness, depressed respiratory function or the impairment of vital bodily functions as a result of ingesting opioids.

      (f) “Third-party notification” means notification from a source other than a patient in a program administered by a local mental health authority during the patient’s treatment.

      (g) “Urban Indian health program” means an urban Indian health program in this state that is operated by an urban Indian organization pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 1651 et seq.

      (2)(a) The Oregon Health Authority shall provide guidance for communication among local mental health authorities to improve notifications and information sharing when an individual who is 24 years of age or younger dies and the presumed cause of death is suspected to be the result of an opioid overdose or other overdose. The guidance may address community opioid overdose and other overdose response and efforts to address the potential of future related deaths. The Oregon Health Authority may collaborate with the following entities in providing the guidance described in this subsection:

      (A) Local mental health authorities;

      (B) The nine federally recognized Indian tribes in this state;

      (C) County juvenile departments;

      (D) Community-based substance use disorder treatment programs;

      (E) Urban Indian health programs;

      (F) The Oregon Youth Authority;

      (G) The Department of Human Services;

      (H) Community developmental disabilities programs; and

      (I) Any other organization identified by the Oregon Health Authority or a local mental health authority as necessary to preserve the public health.

      (b) The Oregon Health Authority may develop post-intervention guidance to enable local mental health authorities to deploy uniform and effective post-intervention efforts. In developing the guidance, the authority may consult with the entities described in paragraph (a) of this subsection.

      (3) No later than 72 hours after receiving a third-party notification, including notice under ORS 146.100, of the death of an individual described in subsection (2)(a) of this section, if the decedent was not domiciled in the county where the death occurred, the local mental health authority shall provide notice of the death to the local mental health authority in the county where the decedent was domiciled.

      (4) The local mental health authority in the county where an individual described in subsection (2)(a) of this section was domiciled may notify the local mental health authority in any other county in which the decedent had significant contacts, as described by the Oregon Health Authority by rule.

      (5) After receiving notice of the death of an individual described in subsection (2)(a) of this section, each local mental health authority in a county in which the decedent had significant contacts may inform the Oregon Health Authority, in a manner and format determined by the authority, of activities implemented to support individuals and any local entities affected by the death and to prevent the risk of future related deaths. The Oregon Health Authority may serve as a resource to the local mental health authorities as needed by the community.

      (6) In compliance with any state or federal laws regulating public disclosure of such information, the notification described in subsections (3) and (4) of this section must contain the following information regarding the decedent to enable the local mental health authorities described in subsections (3) and (4) of this section to deploy effective post-intervention efforts:

      (a) The name of the decedent;

      (b) The dates of birth and death of the decedent;

      (c) The suspected manner of death;

      (d) The suspected cause of death; and

      (e) Any other information that the local mental health authority determines necessary to preserve the public health. [2023 c.593 §20]


      Note: 146.102 was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but was not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 146 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.


      146.103 Removal of body, effects or weapons prohibited without consent. (1) In a death requiring an investigation, no person shall move a human body or body suspected of being human, or remove any of the effects of the deceased or instruments or weapons related to the death without the permission of a medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator or the district attorney.

      (2) No person shall move or remove any of the items specified in subsection (1) of this section if the medical examiner or district attorney objects.

      (3) A medical examiner, district attorney or medical-legal death investigator shall take custody of or exercise control over the body, the effects of the deceased and any weapons, instruments, vehicles, buildings or premises which the medical examiner, district attorney or medical-legal death investigator has reason to believe were involved in the death, in order to preserve evidence relating to the cause and manner of death.

      (4) In a death requiring investigation, no person shall undress, embalm, cleanse the surface of the body or otherwise alter the appearance or the state of the body without the permission of the medical examiner or the district attorney. [1973 c.408 §14; 2017 c.151 §15]


      146.105 [1959 c.629 §7; repealed by 1965 c.221 §7]


      146.107 Authority to enter and secure certain premises; court order. (1) A medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator or district attorney may enter any room, dwelling, building or other place in which the medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator or district attorney has reasonable cause to believe that a body or evidence of the circumstances of death requiring investigation may be found.

      (2) If refused entry, the medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator or district attorney may apply to any judge authorized to issue search warrants for an order to enter such premises, search for and seize a body or any evidence of the cause or manner of death.

      (3) Upon application supported by an affidavit setting forth facts and circumstances tending to show that a body or such evidence of death is in the place to be searched, the judge shall issue such order to enter and search and seize.

      (4) To preserve evidence, a medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator or district attorney may:

      (a) Place under the custody or control of the medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator or district attorney, or enclose or lock any room, dwelling, building or other enclosure for a period of not more than five days.

      (b) Rope off or otherwise restrict entry to any open area.

      (c) Forbid the entrance of any unauthorized person into the area specified under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection.

      (5) No person shall enter upon the enclosures or areas specified in subsection (4) of this section without the permission of the medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator or district attorney. [1973 c.408 §15; 2017 c.151 §16]


      146.109 Notification of next of kin. (1) Upon identifying the body, the medical examiner shall immediately attempt to locate the next of kin or responsible friends to obtain the designation of a funeral home to which the deceased is to be taken.

      (2) If unable to promptly obtain a designation of funeral home from the next of kin or responsible friends, the medical examiner or medical-legal death investigator shall designate the funeral home. In designating the funeral home, the medical examiner or medical-legal death investigator shall be fair and equitable among the funeral homes listed in the office of the district medical examiner. [1973 c.408 §16; 2017 c.151 §17]


      146.110 [Amended by 1959 c.629 §34; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.113 Authority to order removal of body fluids. (1) A medical examiner or district attorney may, in any death requiring investigation, order samples of blood or urine taken for laboratory analysis.

      (2) When a death requiring an investigation as a result of a motor vehicle accident occurs within five hours after the accident and the deceased is over 13 years of age, a blood sample shall be taken and forwarded to an approved laboratory for analysis. Such blood or urine samples shall be analyzed for the presence and quantity of ethyl alcohol, and if considered necessary by the Chief Medical Examiner, the presence of any other intoxicants, as defined in ORS 801.321.

      (3) Laboratory reports of the analysis shall be made a part of the Chief Medical Examiner’s and district medical examiner’s files. [1973 c.408 §17; 1979 c.744 §5; 2017 c.21 §41; 2017 c.151 §18; 2023 c.498 §17]


      146.115 [Amended by 1955 c.190 §1; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.117 Autopsies. (1) A medical examiner or district attorney may order an autopsy performed in any death requiring investigation. This authorization for an autopsy shall permit the pathologist to remove and retain body tissues or organs from the deceased for the purpose of the legal or medical determination of the manner or cause of death, or other purposes approved under policies established by the State Medical Examiner Advisory Board.

      (2) If an autopsy is ordered, the medical examiner shall obtain the services of a pathologist authorized under ORS 146.045 (2)(b).

      (3) A pathologist may not receive compensation for performing the autopsy if, as medical examiner, the pathologist ordered the autopsy. [1973 c.408 §18; 1987 c.142 §4; 1995 c.744 §15]


      146.120 [Amended by 1959 c.629 §35; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.121 Disposition of body; filing; expenses. (1) No person shall bury or otherwise dispose of the body of a person whose death required investigation, without having first obtained a burial, cremation or reduction permit, or a report of death completed and signed by a medical examiner.

      (2) When a medical examiner investigates the death of a person whose body is not claimed by a friend or relative within five days of the date of death, the sheriff or, in counties having a population of 400,000 or more, the medical examiner shall dispose of the body according to the provisions of ORS 97.170 to 97.210.

      (3) If the medical examiner is unable to dispose of the body of a deceased person according to subsection (2) of this section, the medical examiner may order in writing that the body be either cremated, reduced or plainly and decently buried.

      (4) The sheriff or medical examiner shall file a copy of the report of death, the order for disposition and a verified statement of the expenses of the cremation, reduction or burial with the board of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners shall pay such expenses, or any proportion thereof as may be available, from county funds annually budgeted for this purpose. [1973 c.408 §19; 1995 c.744 §16; 2013 c.366 §68; 2021 c.296 §25]


      146.125 Disposition of personal property. (1) The medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator, district attorney or sheriff may temporarily retain possession of any property found on the body or in the possession of the deceased that in the opinion of the medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator, district attorney or sheriff may be useful in establishing the cause or manner of death or may be used in further proceedings.

      (2) When a medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator, district attorney or sheriff assumes control or custody of money or personal property found on the body or in the possession of the deceased, the medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator, district attorney or sheriff shall:

      (a) Make a verified inventory of such money or property.

      (b) File the inventory in the district medical examiner’s office.

      (c) Deposit the money with the county treasurer to the credit of the county general fund.

      (3) If personal property is not retained by the medical examiner, medical-legal death investigator, district attorney or sheriff, and is not claimed within 30 days, the inventory shall be filed with the board of county commissioners to be disposed of as follows:

      (a) If the property has value, the board may order it sold and after deducting the cost of sale, shall deposit the proceeds of the sale with the county treasurer to the credit of the county general fund.

      (b) If the property has no value in the judgment of the board, the board may order the sheriff to destroy such property.

      (4) Any expenses incurred by the county in transporting or disposing of the body may be deducted from the money or proceeds of the sale of personal property before it is delivered to a claimant.

      (5) If it appears that the person whose death required investigation died wholly intestate and without heirs, the county whose official has control or custody of the property shall notify an estate administrator of the State Treasurer appointed under ORS 113.235 within 15 days after the death.

      (6) If a legally qualified personal representative, spouse, next of kin or estate administrator of the State Treasurer:

      (a) Claims the money of the deceased, the county treasurer shall, subject to the provisions of subsection (4) of this section, deliver such money to the claimant.

      (b) Within 30 days, claims the personal property of the deceased, the property shall be delivered to such claimant subject to the provisions of subsections (1) and (5) of this section.

      (7) If money of the deceased is not claimed within seven years, the money is presumed abandoned as provided by ORS 98.302 to 98.436 and 98.992 and the board of county commissioners shall order the county treasurer to deliver and report the money to the State Treasurer as required by ORS 98.352. [1973 c.408 §20; 1977 c.582 §5; 2003 c.395 §19; 2017 c.151 §19; 2019 c.678 §55]


      146.130 [Amended by 1959 c.629 §36; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]




      146.135 Authority to order inquest. (1) The district attorney for the county where the death occurs may order an inquest to obtain a jury finding of the cause and manner of death in any case requiring investigation.

      (2) For the purpose of conducting an inquest, the district attorney shall have the powers of a judicial officer as described by ORS 1.240 and 1.250.

      (3) The district attorney shall advise the jury of inquest as to its duties and instruct the jury on questions of law.

      (4) The district attorney shall cause a record of the inquest proceedings to be made which shall include the written order of inquest, a record of the testimony of witnesses and the written verdict of the jury.

      (5) Within a reasonable time after the verdict is returned, the record of inquest shall be filed in the district medical examiner’s office for the county where the inquest was held.

      (6) A copy of the order of inquest and verdict of the jury shall be filed in the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

      (7) The record of inquest shall be available for inspection as provided by ORS 146.035 (5). [1973 c.408 §21; 1987 c.142 §3; 2017 c.151 §20]


      146.140 [Amended by 1959 c.629 §37; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.145 Jury of inquest. (1) The district attorney shall order the inquest to be held at a specified time and place and as provided in ORS 10.810 and 10.820 shall summon a jury of inquest to inquire into the cause and manner of death.

      (2) Upon receipt of a copy of the order of inquest, the sheriff shall select, as provided by law, not less than eight prospective members of the jury of inquest.

      (3) The sheriff shall obtain a summons for each prospective juror selected and cause the summons to be served upon such juror.

      (4) At the time and place of the inquest the sheriff shall report to the district attorney the names of all prospective jurors summoned.

      (5) A prospective juror may be excused by the district attorney if the juror was related or closely associated with the deceased, was a witness to the death or shows good cause that the juror may be biased.

      (6) From among the prospective jurors not excused, six members of the jury of inquest shall be drawn by lot. [1973 c.408 §22]


      146.150 [Amended by 1959 c.629 §38; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.155 Inquest proceedings. (1) The six members of the jury of inquest shall be sworn by the district attorney to:

      (a) Inquire into who the deceased person was, when and where the deceased person came to death, the cause of death and the manner of death.

      (b) Give a true verdict thereof according to the evidence produced during the inquest.

      (2) The district attorney shall subpoena as a witness any person who the district attorney believes has knowledge of facts relevant and material to the inquiry. The jury of inquest may request but may not require that other persons be subpoenaed.

      (3) The district attorney shall examine each witness as to all facts which the district attorney deems relevant and material to the inquiry. After examination by the district attorney, the members of the jury may inquire of the witness provided that their examination is relevant and material.

      (4) When the examination of witnesses is closed, the district attorney shall advise the jury as to their duty under law, and as to questions of law arising from the facts or posed by the jury.

      (5) After having been advised of law, the jury shall retire to deliberate and to arrive at its verdict.

      (6) The verdict shall be delivered to the district attorney. [1973 c.408 §23]


      146.160 [Amended by 1959 c.629 §39; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.165 Verdict; findings; testimony and verdict of inquest as admissible evidence in subsequent proceedings. (1) The jury shall give its verdict in writing, signed by its members, setting forth its findings from the evidence produced:

      (a) Who the deceased person was;

      (b) When and where the deceased person came to death;

      (c) The cause of death; and

      (d) The manner of death.

      (2) The verdict of a jury of inquest shall not preclude nor require a criminal charge by the grand jury or district attorney.

      (3) The testimony of any witness before a jury of inquest shall not be admissible evidence in any civil or criminal proceeding except:

      (a) A criminal trial in which the witness is charged with perjury or false swearing arising from the testimony given before the jury of inquest.

      (b) A civil or criminal trial in which the testimony before the jury of inquest is offered as a prior inconsistent statement to impeach the same witness.

      (4) The verdict of a jury of inquest shall not be admitted into evidence in any trial. [1973 c.408 §24]


      146.170 [Amended by 1955 c.161 §1; 1959 c.629 §40; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]




      146.171 Unidentified human remains; maintenance of records. (1) The Superintendent of State Police shall establish and maintain a file of records relating to unidentified human remains found within the state and of which the Oregon State Police are notified under ORS 146.174. The records shall be maintained in order to facilitate the identification of such remains.

      (2) The Superintendent of State Police shall establish the file described under subsection (1) of this section after consultation with the Chief Medical Examiner to determine what areas of information generally shall be requested, obtained and preserved in the file. General areas of information determined under this section shall be for the purpose of developing file format and standard forms for collecting data to aid in identifying human remains. Information having potential value in identifying human remains shall not be excluded from a file because it does not fall within a general area of information determined under this section or is not required by federal authorities.

      (3) In addition to any other file it maintains, the Department of State Police shall enter appropriate information relating to unidentified human remains into any file maintained by federal authorities to facilitate the identification of such remains. The department shall conform file entries under this subsection to the format prescribed by the authorities responsible for the federal file. [Formerly 146.505; 2017 c.151 §21]


      146.174 Medical examiner to provide information about unidentified human remains; identification. (1) If a medical examiner is unable to determine the identity of human remains, the medical examiner shall, not later than 30 days after such remains are brought to the medical examiner’s attention, notify and provide to the Superintendent of State Police or the superintendent’s designee all information in the medical examiner’s records concerning the remains.

      (2) The medical examiner shall make reasonable attempts to promptly identify human remains and may consider procedures consistent with current forensic autopsy performance standards of the National Association of Medical Examiners. Reasonable attempts to identify human remains include, but are not limited to, obtaining:

      (a) Photographs of the remains prior to an autopsy;

      (b) Dental or skeletal X-rays of the remains;

      (c) Photographs of items found with the remains;

      (d) Fingerprints of the remains; and

      (e) Samples of tissue, bone or hair from the remains that are suitable for DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) analysis.

      (3) The medical examiner may not dispose of unidentified human remains, or take any action that materially affects the unidentified human remains, before the medical examiner completes the steps described in subsection (2) of this section. [Formerly 146.515]


      146.177 Procedures for investigating missing persons. Written policies adopted by Oregon law enforcement agencies regarding missing persons shall specify the procedures for investigating missing persons in order to ensure that reported missing persons cases, particularly those involving minor children, are investigated as soon as possible, utilizing all available resources. In adopting policies under this section, Oregon law enforcement agencies may consider standards set by the Oregon Accreditation Alliance and adopt policies consistent with Oregon Accreditation Alliance standards. Policies adopted under this section should include the following:

      (1) Requirements for accepting missing persons reports;

      (2) Procedures for initial investigations;

      (3) Responsibility for follow-up investigations;

      (4) Standards for maintaining and clearing computer data of missing persons information stored in the Law Enforcement Data System and the National Crime Information Center; and

      (5) Initiation and activation criteria for Amber Plan alerts under ORS 181A.315. [2007 c.500 §2]


      146.180 [Repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.181 Missing persons; police report; supplementary report. (1) When a person is reported as missing to any city, county or state police agency, the agency, within 12 hours thereafter, shall enter into state and federal records maintained for that purpose, a report of the missing person in a format and according to procedures established by the authorities responsible respectively for the state and federal records.

      (2) The law enforcement agency to which the report is made:

      (a) May request from the person making the report information or material likely to be useful in identifying the missing person or the human remains of the missing person, including, but not limited to:

      (A) The name of the missing person and any alternative names the person uses;

      (B) The date of birth of the missing person;

      (C) A physical description of the missing person, including the height, weight, gender, race, eye color, current hair color and natural hair color of the missing person, any identifying marks on the missing person, any prosthetics used by, or surgical implants in, the missing person and any physical anomalies of the missing person;

      (D) The blood type of the missing person;

      (E) The driver license number of the missing person;

      (F) The Social Security number of the missing person;

      (G) A recent photograph of the missing person;

      (H) A description of the clothing the missing person is believed to have been wearing at the time the person disappeared;

      (I) A description of items that the missing person is believed to have had with the person at the time the person disappeared;

      (J) Telephone numbers and electronic mail addresses of the missing person;

      (K) The name and address of any school the missing person attends;

      (L) The name and address of any employer of the missing person;

      (M) The name and address of the physician, physician assistant, naturopathic physician, nurse practitioner or dentist who provides health care services to the missing person;

      (N) A description of any vehicle that the missing person might have been driving or riding in when the person disappeared;

      (O) The reasons why the person making the missing person report believes the person is missing;

      (P) Any circumstances that indicate that the missing person may be at risk of injury or death;

      (Q) Any circumstances that may indicate that the disappearance is not voluntary;

      (R) Information about a known or possible abductor or a person who was last seen with the missing person; and

      (S) The date of the last contact with the missing person.

      (b) May request in writing from any dentist, denturist, physician, physician assistant, naturopathic physician, nurse practitioner, optometrist or other medical practitioner possessing it such medical, dental or other physically descriptive information as is likely to be useful in identifying the missing person or the human remains of the missing person.

      (3) The law enforcement agency, upon obtaining information pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, shall make a supplementary entry of that information into the state and federal records described in subsection (1) of this section. The supplementary report shall be in a format and according to procedures established by the authorities responsible respectively for the state and federal records. [Formerly 146.525; 2014 c.45 §25; 2017 c.356 §16]


      146.184 Medical practitioners to provide information about missing persons. (1) A dentist, denturist, physician, naturopathic physician, optometrist or other medical practitioner, upon receipt of a written request from a law enforcement agency for identifying information pursuant to ORS 146.181, shall provide to the agency any information known to the practitioner upon the request forms provided by the agency.

      (2) Information obtained under this section is restricted to use for the identification of missing persons or the identification of unidentified human remains and may not be made available to the public.

      (3) Compliance with a written request for information under this section by a dentist, denturist, physician, naturopathic physician, optometrist or other medical practitioner does not constitute a breach of confidentiality. [Formerly 146.535; 2017 c.356 §17]


      146.187 DNA sample. (1) If a person who has been reported as missing has not been located within 30 days after the missing person report is made, the law enforcement agency that accepted the missing persons report shall attempt to obtain a DNA sample from the missing person or from family members of the missing person in addition to any documentation necessary to enable the agency to use the samples in conducting searches of DNA databases.

      (2) A law enforcement agency shall forward a DNA sample obtained for use in a missing persons case as directed by the Department of State Police.

      (3) A person, or the executor of the person’s estate, who was a missing person and who had a DNA sample obtained for use in the person’s case may request the destruction of the DNA sample, and any resultant database entries, when the missing person has been located or identified. The request shall be made in writing to the department. The department, upon confirming that the status of the missing person has been resolved, shall destroy the DNA sample and remove any database entries related to the DNA sample.

      (4) As used in this section, “DNA” means deoxyribonucleic acid. [2007 c.500 §4]


      146.189 Use of records to identify human remains and missing persons; disposition of records. (1) If the Superintendent of State Police is notified that a record of unidentified human remains filed by the Department of State Police under ORS 146.171 corresponds with the record of a person reported as missing, the superintendent shall immediately notify the medical examiner who reported the unidentified human remains and the law enforcement agency that filed the missing person report under ORS 146.181. If the medical examiner identifies the remains, the medical examiner shall immediately notify the superintendent and the superintendent shall cancel the report of unidentified human remains.

      (2) When a person reported as missing under ORS 146.181 is found, or when the remains of the person have been discovered and identified, the law enforcement agency to which the person was reported missing shall cancel the reports to state and federal authorities under ORS 146.181. The agency shall destroy all information and material received under ORS 146.181 relating to a missing person who is discovered to be living. In the case of a missing person found to be no longer living, the agency shall seal the information and material obtained under ORS 146.181, except as otherwise may be necessary to investigate or prosecute a criminal action relating to the person’s disappearance or death. [Formerly 146.545]


      146.190 [Amended by 1959 c.629 §41; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.200 [Repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.210 [Amended by 1959 c.629 §42; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.220 [Repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.230 [Repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.240 [Repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.250 [Amended by 1953 c.568 §3; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.260 [Amended by 1953 c.568 §3; repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.270 [Repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.280 [Repealed by 1965 c.221 §27]


      146.310 [1965 c.221 §2; 1971 c.487 §3; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.315 [1971 c.487 §2; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.320 [1965 c.221 §5; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.330 [1965 c.221 §3; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.340 [1965 c.221 §4; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.350 [1965 c.221 §6; 1971 c.487 §4; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.360 [1965 c.221 §7; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.370 [1965 c.221 §8; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.410 [1959 c.629 §6; 1965 c.221 §16; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.420 [1959 c.629 §9; 1963 c.98 §1; 1965 c.91 §1; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.430 [1959 c.629 §11; 1961 c.434 §3; 1965 c.91 §2; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.440 [1959 c.629 §12; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.450 [1959 c.629 §13; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.460 [1959 c.629 §14; repealed by 1965 c.91 §3 (146.461 enacted in lieu of 146.460)]


      146.461 [1965 c.91 §4 (enacted in lieu of 146.460); repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.470 [1959 c.629 §15; 1961 c.434 §4; 1965 c.91 §5; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.480 [1959 c.629 §17; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.490 [1959 c.629 §18; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.500 [1959 c.629 §19; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.505 [1983 c.390 §1; renumbered 146.171 in 2007]


      146.510 [1959 c.629 §20; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.515 [1983 c.390 §2; 2007 c.500 §5; renumbered 146.174 in 2007]


      146.520 [1959 c.629 §21; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.525 [1983 c.390 §3; 1989 c.1059 §3; 2007 c.500 §3; renumbered 146.181 in 2007]


      146.530 [1959 c.629 §22; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.535 [1983 c.390 §4; 2007 c.500 §6; renumbered 146.184 in 2007]


      146.540 [1959 c.629 §23; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.545 [1983 c.390 §5; 2007 c.500 §7; renumbered 146.189 in 2007]


      146.550 [1959 c.629 §24; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.560 [1959 c.629 §25; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.565 [1961 c.434 §2; 1965 c.91 §6; 1965 c.439 §4; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.570 [1959 c.629 §26; 1967 c.632 §1; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.580 [1959 c.629 §27; 1961 c.434 §5; 1967 c.632 §2; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.590 [1959 c.629 §§28,29; 1961 c.434 §6; 1967 c.632 §3; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.600 [1959 c.629 §30; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]


      146.610 [1959 c.629 §31; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]




      146.710 Definition for ORS 146.710 to 146.780. As used in ORS 146.710 to 146.780, “injury” means:

      (1) A physical injury caused by a knife, gun, pistol or other dangerous or deadly weapon; or

      (2) A serious physical injury. [1963 c.621 §1; 1965 c.472 §1; 1967 c.545 §1; 1971 c.451 §9; 2007 c.294 §1]


      146.720 [1963 c.621 §§3,4; 1965 c.221 §17; repealed by 1965 c.472 §9]


      146.730 Investigation. A medical examiner or district attorney may investigate an injury whenever the injury occurred under suspicious or unknown circumstances. All authority granted to the medical examiner or district attorney by ORS 146.003 to 146.189 and 146.710 to 146.992 may be exercised in making such investigation. [1963 c.621 §2; 1965 c.221 §18; 1967 c.545 §§2,3; 1971 c.401 §7; 1971 c.451 §10; 1973 c.408 §26; 2007 c.294 §2]


      146.740 Reports of medical examiner. Whenever the medical examiner concludes that a crime may have been committed by any person in causing the injury, the medical examiner shall report the conclusion to the district attorney. [1963 c.621 §§5,6; 1965 c.221 §19; 1967 c.545 §§4,5; 1971 c.401 §8; 1971 c.451 §11; 1973 c.408 §27]


      146.750 Injuries to be reported to law enforcement agency. (1) Except as required in subsection (3) of this section, a physician, including an intern and resident, a physician assistant licensed under ORS 677.505 to 677.525, a naturopathic physician licensed under ORS chapter 685 or a registered nurse licensed under ORS chapter 678, who has reasonable cause to suspect that a person brought to the physician, physician assistant, naturopathic physician or registered nurse or coming before the physician, physician assistant, naturopathic physician or registered nurse for examination, care or treatment has had injury inflicted upon the person other than by accidental means, shall report or cause reports to be made in accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) of this section.

      (2) An oral report must be made immediately by telephone or otherwise, and followed as soon thereafter as possible by a report in writing, to an appropriate law enforcement agency.

      (3) When an injury, or abuse as defined in ORS 419B.005, occurs to an unmarried person who is under 18 years of age, the provisions of ORS 419B.005 to 419B.050 apply. [1965 c.472 §§3,4; 1967 c.545 §6; 1971 c.401 §9; 1971 c.451 §12; 1973 c.408 §28; 1975 c.644 §1; 1993 c.546 §99; 2011 c.347 §1; 2014 c.45 §26; 2017 c.356 §18]


      146.760 Immunity of participant in making of report. Anyone participating in good faith in the making of a report pursuant to ORS 146.750 and who has reasonable grounds for the making thereof shall have immunity from any liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be incurred or imposed with respect to the making of such report. Any such participant shall have the same immunity with respect to participation in any judicial proceeding resulting from such report. [1965 c.472 §5; 1971 c.451 §13; 1989 c.171 §20]


      146.770 [1965 c.472 §6; 1971 c.451 §14; renumbered 418.775]


      146.780 Confidentiality of records and reports. Notwithstanding the provisions of ORS 192.311 to 192.478 relating to confidentiality and accessibility for public inspection of public records, records and reports made under the provisions of ORS 146.750 are confidential and are not accessible for public inspection. [1965 c.472 §7; 1967 c.545 §7; 1971 c.401 §10; 1971 c.451 §15; 1973 c.408 §29; 1973 c.794 §15a]


      146.990 [Subsection (1) enacted as 1959 c.629 §45; subsection (3) of 1963 Replacement Part enacted as 1963 c.621 §7; 1965 c.221 §20; 1965 c.472 §8; 1971 c.451 §16; repealed by 1973 c.408 §35]




      146.992 Penalties. (1) A person who violates ORS 146.103 (1) commits a Class A misdemeanor.

      (2) A person who violates ORS 146.103 (2) or (4), 146.107 (5), or 146.121 (1) commits a Class B misdemeanor.

      (3) A person who violates ORS 146.100 (4) commits a Class C misdemeanor. [1973 c.408 §25]
