Chapter 501 — Refuges and Closures
501.005 Closure of hunting season for fire danger
501.015 Hunting or trapping on refuge prohibited
501.025 Authority to manage supply or condition of wildlife on refuge
501.035 Posting signs around refuge; defacing or alteration of signs prohibited
501.045 Contracts to establish refuges on private lands
501.400 Columbia River Wildlife Refuge
501.405 Deschutes River Wildlife Refuge
501.410 Brown’s Island and Minto Island Wildlife Refuge
501.425 John Day River Wildlife Refuge
501.440 Carlton Lake Wildlife Refuge
501.490 Lake Lytle Wildlife Refuge
501.505 Sturgeon Lake Wildlife Refuge; rules
501.540 Multnomah-Clackamas Wildlife Refuge
501.005 Closure of hunting season for fire danger. (1) The Governor by proclamation may suspend any season established by the State Fish and Wildlife Commission for hunting when the Governor determines that hunting may result in extreme fire danger in any part of the state.
(2) The suspension referred to in subsection (1) of this section may be applicable in all or any portion of this state, and shall be effective for a specified or indeterminate period until it appears to the Governor that the possible excessive fire danger no longer exists. A suspension for an indeterminate period shall be terminated by proclamation of the Governor.
(3) No person shall hunt during a period when or in an area where the appropriate season has been suspended pursuant to this section. [1973 c.723 §104]
501.010 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.015 Hunting or trapping on refuge prohibited. Except as the State Fish and Wildlife Commission by rule may provide otherwise, no person shall hunt or trap any wildlife on any wildlife refuge created by any law of this state or any rule promulgated pursuant thereto. [1973 c.723 §105]
501.020 [Amended by 1955 c.63 §1; repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.025 Authority to manage supply or condition of wildlife on refuge. Notwithstanding any restrictions to the contrary regarding the uses of any wildlife refuge created by any law of this state or any rule promulgated pursuant thereto, the State Fish and Wildlife Commission may authorize the hunting or trapping of wildlife on any such wildlife refuge when the commission determines that such action is necessary to properly manage the supply or condition of the wildlife on such refuge. [1973 c.723 §106]
501.030 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.035 Posting signs around refuge; defacing or alteration of signs prohibited. (1) When any wildlife refuge is created by the laws of this state or any rule promulgated thereto, the State Fish and Wildlife Commission shall post signs around the boundary of the refuge giving notice of restrictions on hunting or trapping of wildlife on the refuge and on such other uses of the refuge as are specified by law or rule.
(2) No person shall remove, deface, alter or destroy any sign referred to in subsection (1) of this section. [1973 c.723 §107]
501.040 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.045 Contracts to establish refuges on private lands. The State Fish and Wildlife Commission may enter into contracts with the owners of land for the purpose of establishing a wildlife refuge on the land. The contract shall be for such period and shall contain such terms, conditions and restrictions regarding the hunting and trapping of wildlife and other uses of the land as the commission considers appropriate to properly manage the supply and condition of the wildlife on the land. [1973 c.723 §108]
501.050 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.060 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.070 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.080 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.090 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.100 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.110 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.120 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.130 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.140 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.150 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.210 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.220 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.230 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.240 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.250 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.260 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.270 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.280 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.290 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.300 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.400 Columbia River Wildlife Refuge. There is created a wildlife refuge within the following described area: Beginning at the railroad bridge at Celilo in Wasco County; thence easterly along the railroad right of way to Boardman; thence due north to the center of the Columbia River (Washington State Line); thence westerly down the center of the Columbia River to a point due north of the point of beginning; thence south to the point of beginning. [Formerly 498.205]
501.405 Deschutes River Wildlife Refuge. There is created a wildlife refuge within the area that includes any island or sandbar along or in the Deschutes River from the Columbia River to a point one-half mile south of the Oregon Trail highway bridge where it crosses the Deschutes River. [Formerly 498.210]
501.410 Brown’s Island and Minto Island Wildlife Refuge. There is created a wildlife refuge which shall be known as the Brown’s Island and Minto Island Wildlife Refuge and shall be bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of State Street in Salem, Oregon, with the center line of the Oregon Electric Railway tracks on Front Street in Salem; thence southwesterly along the center line of the Oregon Electric Railway tracks to the north boundary of the east ell of the donation land claim of R. E. Ekin and wife in township 8 south, range 3 west of the Willamette Meridian in Marion County; thence west to the re-entrant corner in the west boundary of such donation land claim; thence north to the most northerly northeast corner of such donation land claim; thence west to the middle of the Willamette River; thence down the meanderings of such river to the westerly projection of the center line of State Street in Salem; thence easterly to the place of beginning. [Amended by 1973 c.723 §112]
501.420 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.425 John Day River Wildlife Refuge. There is created a wildlife refuge within the area that is one-fourth mile from the high-water flowline along the John Day River from the Columbia River south to its junction with Thirty Mile Creek. [Formerly 498.215]
501.430 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.440 Carlton Lake Wildlife Refuge. The following described lands, including Carlton Lake, situated in Yamhill County, shall be known as the Carlton Lake Wildlife Refuge: Beginning at the northwest corner of the W. C. Hembree D.L.C. (claim) No. 59, in section 17, township 3 south, range 4 west, Willamette Meridian; running thence east along the north line of Hembree D.L.C. and along this north line produced, or extended 4,500 feet to the west line of the state highway, known as the Tualatin Valley Highway; thence southerly along the west line of such highway 6,600 feet to north line of Main Street in the City of Carlton; thence westerly along the north line of Main Street and the county road, which is an extension of Main Street, 6,300 feet to the northeast corner of the intersection of the county road, leading west from Carlton and the county road running north and south through the James Fulton D. L. C. just west of Carlton Lake; thence northerly along the east line of such county road 6,700 feet to the intersection of the east line of the county road with the north line of the James Fulton D. L. C.; thence east along the north line of Fulton D. L. C. 1,950 feet to the northeast corner of the claim; thence north about 60 feet to the northwest corner of the W. C. Hembree D. L. C., the place of beginning, situated in parts of sections 16, 17, 20 and 21, township 3 south, range 4 west. [Amended by 1973 c.723 §113]
501.450 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.460 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.470 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.480 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.490 Lake Lytle Wildlife Refuge. There is created a wildlife refuge in Tillamook County, to be known as Lake Lytle Wildlife Refuge of the land and waters within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the northeast corner of section 29, township 2 north, range 10 west of Willamette Meridian; running thence west to the mean low water line of Pacific Ocean; thence southerly along the mean low water line of Pacific Ocean to the middle east and west line of section 32, in such township and range; thence east to the east line of section 32; thence north to the place of beginning. [Amended by 1973 c.723 §114]
501.500 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.505 Sturgeon Lake Wildlife Refuge; rules. (1) The following described lakes, the islands therein and the lands adjacent thereto shall be known as the Sturgeon Lake Wildlife Refuge:
(a) Big Sturgeon Lake, situated in sections 9, 10, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 33 and 34, township 3 north, range 1 west, Willamette Meridian.
(b) West Sturgeon Lake, situated in sections 20, 28, 29, 30, 32 and 33, township 3 north, range 1 west, Willamette Meridian.
(c) Little Sturgeon Lake, situated in sections 32 and 33, township 3 north, range 1 west, Willamette Meridian, and sections 4 and 5, township 2 north, range 1 west, Willamette Meridian.
(d) Marquam Lake, situated in sections 34 and 35, township 3 north, range 1 west, Willamette Meridian, and sections 2 and 3, township 2 north, range 1 west, Willamette Meridian.
(2) The State Fish and Wildlife Commission by rule shall establish the exact boundaries of the wildlife refuge referred to in subsection (1) of this section in such manner as the commission determines will provide adequate protection for the wildlife within the area. However, the boundaries so established shall not include land adjacent to any lake referred to in subsection (1) of this section that is further than 100 yards from the line of ordinary high water of such lake. [1973 c.723 §116]
501.510 [Repealed by 1967 c.320 §1]
501.520 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.530 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.540 Multnomah-Clackamas Wildlife Refuge. The following described land situated in Multnomah and Clackamas Counties shall be known as the Multnomah-Clackamas Wildlife Refuge: Beginning at intersection of center line of the channels of the Willamette River and Willamette slough; thence westerly along center line of channel of Willamette slough to its intersection with the south line of section 27, township 2 north, range 1 west, Willamette Meridian; thence west along south line of sections 27 and 28 to intersection with the Columbia River Highway; thence in southerly direction along Columbia River Highway to intersection with Harborton Road; thence southwesterly along Harborton Road to its intersection with Skyline Boulevard; thence southeasterly along Skyline Boulevard to its intersection with Cornell Road; thence west along Cornell Road to its intersection with the Washington-Multnomah County line; thence south and east along the Washington-Multnomah County line to the Willamette Meridian; thence south along the Willamette Meridian to section 19, township 2 south, range 1 east, Willamette Meridian; thence east along the north lines of sections 19, 20 and 21 to Stafford Road; thence east and north on Stafford Road to the west bank of the Willamette River; thence southerly along the west bank of said Willamette River to a point opposite the intersection of the east bank of the Willamette River and the north bank of the Clackamas River; thence easterly across the Willamette River to said intersection; thence easterly along the north bank of Clackamas River to a point where the east line of Ninety-second Street in the City of Portland extended southerly intersects the north bank of the Clackamas River; thence north along the southerly extension of Ninety-second Street to the point of the Multnomah and Clackamas County line, such point being at the quarter-section corner of south side of section 21, township 1 south, range 2 east, Willamette Meridian; thence east along the Multnomah County line to its intersection with Foster Road; thence northwesterly along Foster Road to the intersection of Foster Road with Jenne Road; thence northeasterly and northerly along Jenne Road to its intersection with Section Line Road; thence east along Section Line Road to its intersection with Rockwood Road; thence north along Rockwood Road to the north side of Sandy Boulevard; thence west along the north side of Sandy Boulevard to the Government Island Road; thence north along the Government Island Road to the high-water flowline of the south bank of the south channel of the Columbia River; thence westerly along high-water flowline of the waters of the Columbia River to the easterly line of the Spokane, Portland and Seattle railroad; thence south along the Spokane, Portland and Seattle railroad to the junction of the Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company right of way; thence south along the Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company right of way to the city boundaries of the City of Portland; thence westerly along the north line of the boundary of the City of Portland to the center of the channel of the Willamette River; thence in a northerly direction along the center line of the channel of the Willamette River to the point of beginning. [Amended by 1953 c.255 §2; 1973 c.723 §115]
501.550 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.560 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.570 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.580 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.590 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.600 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.610 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.620 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.630 [Repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.640 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.650 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.660 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.670 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.680 [Repealed by 1955 c.77 §1]
501.690 [Repealed by 1953 c.81 §2]
501.810 [1959 c.275 §2; repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.820 [1959 c.275 §3; repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.830 [1959 c.275 §9; repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.840 [1959 c.275 §4; repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.850 [1959 c.275 §6; repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.860 [1959 c.275 §5; repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.870 [1959 c.275 §8; repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.880 [1959 c.275 §7; repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.890 [1959 c.275 §10; repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
501.990 [Amended by 1967 c.523 §4; repealed by 1973 c.723 §130]
CHAPTERS 502 TO 505 [Reserved for expansion]