Chapter 567 — Experiment Stations
567.005 Greenhouse facilities for seed potato testing; management
567.010 Disposition of moneys for greenhouse facilities
567.015 Cost of operation paid by growers
567.020 Greenhouse facilities under control of experiment station when not in use
567.205 Dry lands experiment station established; location
567.210 Station management and control
567.215 Duties of those in charge of station; experiments
567.220 Annual report
567.230 County court may acquire site for station
567.235 County court may acquire buildings and other improvements
567.240 County court may sell property of station upon discontinuance; disposition of proceeds
567.325 Cooperation with federal government
567.330 Biennial report
567.355 Work east of Cascade Mountains
567.360 Crop rotation experiments and demonstrations in Umatilla County
567.405 Harney County experiment station established
567.410 Station management and control
567.430 Biennial report
567.435 Cooperation with federal, state or county government, or individuals
567.455 Mid-Columbia experiment station established
567.475 Biennial report
567.480 Cooperation with United States Department of Agriculture
567.505 Southern Oregon branch experiment station established
567.510 Station management and control
567.515 Biennial report
567.520 Cooperation with federal government
567.575 Disposition of revenues
567.580 Station management and control
567.005 Greenhouse facilities for seed potato testing; management. Oregon State University is authorized to construct such greenhouse facilities as may be necessary for testing seed potatoes for diseases, experimentation on insect control methods and materials, research on potato disease problems and for the development and testing of special varieties and strains of potatoes. The greenhouse facilities shall be under the control and management of the experiment station. [Amended by 2009 c.762 §86; 2015 c.767 §183]
567.010 Disposition of moneys for greenhouse facilities. A separate account in the General Fund is established for the purposes described in ORS 567.005. Moneys in the account are continuously appropriated to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission for distribution to Oregon State University for the purposes described in ORS 567.005. [Amended by 2005 c.755 §48; 2009 c.762 §87; 2015 c.767 §184]
567.015 Cost of operation paid by growers. The cost of operation of the greenhouse facilities described in ORS 567.005 for testing seed potatoes of individual growers shall be paid by the growers in such proportionate amounts as shall be agreed upon as being equitable and just considering the service rendered. The amount paid shall be deposited in the account established in ORS 567.010 and used to pay the cost of operation of such facilities. [Amended by 2005 c.755 §49]
567.020 Greenhouse facilities under control of experiment station when not in use. During any portion of any year when the facilities or any part thereof are not being used for the purposes specified in ORS 567.005, they may be used by Oregon State University under the control and management of the experiment station for such purposes as may be deemed most advantageous to the university and to Oregon agricultural development.
567.025 [Amended by 2005 c.755 §50; repealed by 2013 c.195 §1]
567.030 [Amended by 2005 c.755 §51; repealed by 2013 c.195 §1]
567.035 [Repealed by 2013 c.195 §1]
567.040 [Repealed by 2015 c.554 §2 and 2015 c.767 §4]
567.045 [1955 c.770 §3; repealed by 2015 c.554 §3 and 2015 c.767 §4]
567.205 Dry lands experiment station established; location. (1) In order to investigate and demonstrate the conditions under which useful plants may be grown on dry, arid or nonirrigated lands of this state and to determine the kinds of plants best adapted for growth on these lands, there is established in the manner provided for in ORS 567.205 to 567.240, an experiment station in this state for such purpose.
(2) The experiment station shall be located on such part of dry, arid or nonirrigated lands of this state as shall be selected by Oregon State University acting in cooperation with a representative of the United States Department of Agriculture. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §185]
567.210 Station management and control. The station shall be under the management and control of Oregon State University as a branch station the university. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §186]
567.215 Duties of those in charge of station; experiments. Those having the experimental farm in charge shall:
(1) Secure seeds, from this and other countries of the world, of plants that are thought suitable for growth on dry lands, and observe and record the growth, yield and composition of the plants grown from seeds so secured.
(2) Investigate and determine the methods of soil treatment by which the soil water is best conserved.
(3) Investigate the possibilities of grazing on dry lands which have been seeded to different crops.
(4) Undertake such other experiments and demonstrations as are deemed advisable, having in view the reclamation of the dry or arid lands of the state.
567.220 Annual report. Oregon State University shall cause to be prepared and published full and complete annual reports of the work undertaken and accomplished by the station, and an edition of such number of copies as the university shall determine shall be published annually and distributed free of charge. The cost of such publication and distribution shall be deemed a part of the general expense of the station. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §187]
567.225 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.230 County court may acquire site for station. The county court of the county in which the experimental station may be located may acquire by purchase or lease sufficient suitable land to be selected by Oregon State University, acting in cooperation with a representative of the United States Department of Agriculture. In case the land is acquired by purchase, the purchase price shall be paid from the general funds of the county upon the order of the county court by a warrant, in the manner in which other claims against the county are paid. In case the site for the station is acquired by lease, the lease shall be made in favor of the State of Oregon for such term of years and upon such conditions as shall be required by Oregon State University, and the rent shall be paid out of the county treasury of the county in which the station is located by warrant drawn upon the county treasury by an order of the county court. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §188]
567.235 County court may acquire buildings and other improvements. The county court of the county in which the station is located is authorized and directed to place upon the land acquired as provided in ORS 567.230 such buildings and other improvements, including a well, as may be required by Oregon State University. The expenses incurred thereby shall be paid in the manner provided by ORS 567.230 for payment of the purchase price or rent of the land. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §189]
567.240 County court may sell property of station upon discontinuance; disposition of proceeds. In the event the station is discontinued, the property acquired under ORS 567.230 and 567.235, including land and improvements thereon as well as the improvements placed upon leased land, may be sold by the county court in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as the county court at a regular term thereof may determine. The proceeds arising from such sale shall be returned to the general fund of the county.
567.255 [Amended by 1969 c.594 §61; repealed by 2015 c.767 §4]
567.260 [Repealed by 2015 c.767 §4]
567.265 [Repealed by 2015 c.767 §4]
567.270 [Repealed by 2015 c.767 §4]
567.275 [Repealed by 2015 c.767 §4]
567.280 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.285 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.305 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.310 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.315 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.320 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.325 Cooperation with federal government. Oregon State University may cooperate in work in any special field of the experiment station with the federal government or any department, bureau, or office thereof, and may enter into any necessary agreement therefor with said government, department, bureau or office. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §190]
567.330 Biennial report. Oregon State University shall cause to be prepared and published at least once every two years full and complete reports of the work undertaken and accomplished by the station. The reports shall be distributed free of charge. The cost of such publication and distribution shall be deemed part of the general expenses of the station. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §191]
567.355 Work east of Cascade Mountains. The director of the Oregon experiment stations may conduct experimental and demonstration work in counties east of the Cascade Mountains for the purpose of securing and demonstrating more profitable wheat varieties, more profitable crops on lands now producing wheat and suitable grasses for grazing lands. Such work shall be conducted through grain and forage crop nurseries and by such means as the director deems proper.
567.360 Crop rotation experiments and demonstrations in Umatilla County. The director of the Oregon experiment stations may conduct in Umatilla County crop rotation experimental and demonstration work for the purpose of establishing a profitable cropping system that will reduce the summer fallow acreage, decrease the present size of the farm unit necessary to make a living and stabilize land values.
567.365 [Repealed by 2015 c.554 §4 and 2015 c.767 §4]
567.370 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.375 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.405 Harney County experiment station established. In order to investigate and demonstrate methods for improving agricultural and livestock conditions in the range areas in southeastern Oregon, an agricultural experiment station is established and shall be located in Harney County in such place as may be selected by Oregon State University. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §192]
567.410 Station management and control. The station shall be under the control and management of Oregon State University through its director of the Oregon agricultural experiment station, as a branch station of the Oregon agricultural experiment station. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §193]
567.415 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.420 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.425 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.430 Biennial report. Oregon State University shall cause to be prepared and published at least once every two years a full and completed report of the work undertaken and accomplished by the Harney County station. The reports shall be distributed free of charge and the cost of such publication and distribution shall be deemed a part of the general expense of the station. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §194]
567.435 Cooperation with federal, state or county government, or individuals. The director of the Oregon agricultural experiment station may cooperate in the special work of the Harney County station with any federal, state or county government or individual and may, for that purpose, enter into necessary agreements with any department, division, branch, bureau or office thereof, or with individuals.
567.455 Mid-Columbia experiment station established. To study and carry on investigations in horticultural, pathological and other agricultural problems as affects the interests of this state, there is established an agricultural experimental area in Hood River and Wasco Counties to be operated as the Mid-Columbia Experiment Station under the control and management of Oregon State University through the Agricultural Experiment Station of Oregon State University. [Amended by 1953 c.449 §5; 2015 c.767 §195]
567.460 [Repealed by 1953 c.449 §5]
567.465 [Amended by 1953 c.449 §5; repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.470 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.475 Biennial report. Oregon State University shall cause to be prepared and published once every two years a full and complete report of the work accomplished by the station. The report shall be distributed free of charge. The cost of such publication and distribution shall be deemed a part of the general expense of the station. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §196]
567.480 Cooperation with United States Department of Agriculture. Oregon State University may cooperate in the special work of the station with the United States Department of Agriculture or any office or bureau thereof, and may enter into any agreement therefor with said department, bureau or office. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §197]
567.505 Southern Oregon branch experiment station established. There is established a branch agricultural experiment station of Oregon State University in southern Oregon, located in such part of southern Oregon as may be determined by the university. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §198]
567.510 Station management and control. The station shall be under the management and control of Oregon State University as a branch station of the university. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §199]
567.515 Biennial report. Oregon State University shall cause to be prepared and published at least once every two years a full and complete report of the work undertaken and accomplished by the station. The reports shall be distributed free of charge. The cost of such publication and distribution shall be deemed a part of the general expenses of the station. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §200]
567.520 Cooperation with federal government. Oregon State University may cooperate in work in any special field of the station with the federal government or any department, bureau or office thereof, and may enter into any necessary agreement therefor with said government, department, bureau or office. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §201]
567.525 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.530 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.535 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.555 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.560 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.565 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.570 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]
567.575 Disposition of revenues. All revenues derived from the land and experiment station not necessarily used in connection with the experiment station may be used by Oregon State University in the improvement of the property referred to in this section and ORS 567.580 in repairing structures thereon, for the use and benefit of the experiment station generally and for conducting agricultural experiments in eastern Oregon and not otherwise. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §202]
567.580 Station management and control. The station shall at all times be under the exclusive management and control of Oregon State University and shall be deemed a branch of the experiment station of the university. [Amended by 2015 c.767 §203]
567.605 [Repealed by 1955 c.770 §1]