2011 Regular Session
Bill Selection
Senate Bills
SB 0-99
- SB 1 Adjusts amount of damages that may be awarded in action involving false statement of material fact relating to candidate, political committee or measure.
- SB 2 Requires employer to provide paid or unpaid time off for Veterans Day to employees who are veterans.
- SB 3 Modifies terminology in education statutes for persons with intellectual disability.
- SB 4 Requires school districts to ensure that physical education or recess time is available each school day for students in kindergarten through grade 8.
- SB 5 Modifies definition of "athlete agent." Expands application of statutes regulating athlete agents to include agents representing student athletes at elementary and secondary schools.
- SB 6 Authorizes Secretary of State to establish, maintain, enhance, expand and add capacity to central business registry for identified purposes.
- SB 7 Creates income tax credit for creation of new employment positions by taxpayer.
- SB 8 Creates subtraction from taxable income for net capital gain that is invested in certain businesses.
- SB 9 Requires public universities and community colleges to provide financial aid to students with unmet financial need under federal aid formula when university or community college raises tuition more than ___ percent.
- SB 10 Clarifies whether provisions that reference session of Legislative Assembly have annual or biennial implications.
- SB 11 Specifies that Deputy State Treasurer may exercise statutory duties of State Treasurer in event of vacancy in office of State Treasurer.
- SB 12 Modifies operative date of provisions allowing credit unions to act as depositories of public funds on basis similar to that of bank depositories.
- SB 13 Prohibits semi-independent state agencies from borrowing money in manner that could be construed as incurring debt or obligation of State of Oregon or as pledge of full faith and credit or taxing power of State of Oregon.
- SB 14 Allows State Treasurer to authorize exceptions to requirements for deposit of public funds to permit state agencies to conduct business through use of electronic commerce, unless bank depository or credit union depository can provide service in cost-effective manner.
- SB 15 Eliminates four-year limitation on carrying forward amounts contributed to college savings network account.
- SB 16 Allows designee of State Treasurer to serve in lieu of treasurer on Oregon 529 College Savings Board.
- SB 17 Excludes from qualified withdrawals, for purposes of tax-exempt college savings network accounts, withdrawal from college savings network account if proceeds from withdrawal are deposited in account at financial institution in another state.
- SB 18 Establishes statutory provisions required for Superintendent of Public Instruction to borrow money pursuant to Article XI-P of Oregon Constitution for capital costs of school districts.
- SB 19 Authorizes State Treasurer to issue Article XI-Q bonds, subject to biennial budget authorization for bond issuance, to finance costs associated with real or personal property that is or will be owned or operated by State of Oregon.
- SB 20 Authorizes public bodies that borrow money under provisions of ORS chapter 287A to issue refunding bonds to purchase outstanding bonds of public body.
- SB 21 Eliminates types of youth correction facilities at which youth may receive educational services under Youth Corrections Education Program.
- SB 22 Allows educational programs under Youth Corrections Education Program and Juvenile Detention Education Program to participate in specified programs and activities under Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century.
- SB 23 Changes term "second languages" to "world languages" for purposes of elementary and secondary education requirements.
- SB 24 Eliminates alternative methods by which students may satisfy mathematics or English requirements for high school diploma.
- SB 25 Allows children zero years of age or older who are not kindergarten children to be eligible for Oregon prekindergarten program.
- SB 26 Eliminates option for private elementary or secondary school to be registered with Department of Education.
- SB 27 Requires education service district to prepare annual audit of books and accounts of district.
- SB 28 Requires that members of Oregon State Bar must provide unbiased and effective representation for all clients.
- SB 29 Adds historic cemetery operated by nonprofit organization to list of cemeteries exempt from specified laws that apply to private cemeteries.
- SB 30 Requires endowment care cemetery to deposit in endowment care fund at least nine percent of gross sales price of grave sold with grave liner installed at time of sale.
- SB 31 Provides that person in possession of cremated remains has right to direct manner of disposition of remains in person's possession.
- SB 32 Authorizes law enforcement agencies to establish sobriety checkpoints.
- SB 33 Exempts nonprofit educational institution registered as private school from definition of "child care facility" required to be certified or registered by Employment Department.
- SB 34 Removes limit on number of hours retired member may work and still qualify for retirement under Public Employees Retirement System if retired member is employed by school district or education service district as other than teacher or management employee, or by community college as other than faculty member or management employee.
- SB 35 Removes disqualifications for unemployment insurance benefits based on services performed in other than instructional, research or principal administrative capacity at educational institutions.
- SB 36 Modifies circumstances under which Oregon Liquor Control Commission may refuse to approve liquor license for applicant.
- SB 37 Increases amount allocated for highway project on Interstate 84 at 257th Avenue Interchange.
- SB 38 Modifies Department of Justice crime victims' compensation program.
- SB 39 Requires Department of Justice to establish restitution collection pilot program in geographically dispersed counties or regions and to make grants to enable district attorney's offices in participating counties or regions to employ one restitution clerk.
- SB 40 Allows Attorney General to issue order disqualifying charitable organization from receiving contributions that are deductible for purpose of Oregon income tax and corporate excise tax if Attorney General finds that charitable organization has failed to expend at least 30 percent of total annual functional expenses on program services when those expenses are averaged over most recent three fiscal years.
- SB 41 Establishes deadlines by which public bodies must respond to public records requests.
- SB 42 Requires that fine imposed in certain environmental crimes cases be in form of compensatory fine.
- SB 43 Limits application of provision establishing minimum amount obligor must retain as disposable monthly income from amount withheld for payment of arrearage-only support obligation.
- SB 44 Renames crime of intimidation as hate crime.
- SB 45 Makes time for response or to request hearing consistent in child support proceedings.
- SB 46 Increases maximum penalty for crime of official misconduct in first degree to maximum of five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both.
- SB 47 Requires certain governing bodies of public bodies to make audio, audio-video or digital recording of public meetings.
- SB 48 Limits types of special districts within metropolitan service district over which metropolitan service district exercises jurisdiction for boundary changes.
- SB 49 Establishes Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee to perform functions of Drug Use Review Board, which is abolished.
- SB 50 Consolidates reporting procedures for abuse of elderly persons and individuals with disabilities.
- SB 51 Makes permanent provisions allowing health care representative to consent to hospitalization of principal for treatment of behavior caused by dementia.
- SB 52 Expands means by which state agency may give notice of proposed sale of real property.
- SB 53 Deletes obsolete references in law governing Oregon Department of Administrative Services annual charitable fund drive program.
- SB 54 Permits Director of Oregon Department of Aviation to impose civil penalties for violations of aviation laws, rules or orders.
- SB 55 Authorizes Director of Oregon Department of Aviation, as authorized by State Aviation Board, to approve and forward applications for issuance of economic development revenue bonds to Oregon Business Development Commission.
- SB 56 Permits Oregon Business Development Department to charge fees for loans made from its funds or accounts and for program benefits provided and administrative expenses incurred in administration of specified certification process.
- SB 57 Authorizes Oregon Business Development Commission to use revenue bonds to finance economic development projects that provide for generation, transmission, sale or distribution of electrical energy.
- SB 58 Abolishes Natural Heritage Advisory Council.
- SB 59 Authorizes Department of Revenue to require withholding as payment of state income tax owed by persons contracting with state.
- SB 60 Directs court to make certain sentencing information available to Oregon Criminal Justice Commission electronically.
- SB 61 Transfers from Oregon Department of Administrative Services to Oregon Criminal Justice Commission duty to issue state corrections population forecasts and state juvenile offender population forecasts.
- SB 62 Approves modifications to rules of Oregon Criminal Justice Commission.
- SB 63 Provides that persons released from imprisonment who were on active felony supervision as adults at time of offense for which they were imprisoned must be released to county where last on active felony supervision.
- SB 64 Restricts application of Uniform Act on Blood Tests to Determine Paternity in criminal cases to criminal nonsupport cases only.
- SB 65 Provides that measurement of alcohol content in breath may be used to determine percent by weight of alcohol in blood. .
- SB 66 Changes chairperson of State Medical Examiner Advisory Board from Chairman of Department of Anatomic Pathology at Oregon Health and Science University to Chair of Department of Pathology.
- SB 67 Allows Department of State Police to make certain information regarding convicted sex offenders available on Internet.
- SB 68 Updates language in statutes to reflect current organization and operation of Department of State Police.
- SB 69 Revises provisions regulating sale, possession, use and explosion of fireworks.
- SB 70 Authorizes Department of State Police to establish fee schedules to cover costs of obtaining, maintaining and providing criminal identification records and information.
- SB 71 Makes recipients of General Educational Development (GED) certificates eligible for general polygraph examiner licenses.
- SB 72 Clarifies definition of "disabled veteran" for purposes of statutes relating to veterans' preferences in public employment.
- SB 73 Allows Director of Veterans' Affairs to assign more than one state employee to provide oversight of second Oregon Veterans' Home.
- SB 74 Designates March 30 of every year as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.
- SB 75 Extends sunset for temporary provisions relating to post-prison supervision for offenders sentenced to one year or less of incarceration.
- SB 76 Expands definition of "corrections officer" to include officers who supervise other corrections officers.
- SB 77 Requires inmate who brings action against public body in small claims department to serve notice and claim on public body, and, if public body is state agency, on Attorney General .
- SB 78 Prohibits prisoners sentenced to death from requesting reset or advance of release date.
- SB 79 Requires Environmental Quality Commission to establish greenhouse gas emissions fees for sources subject to federal operating permit program.
- SB 80 Allows Environmental Quality Commission to establish certain greenhouse gas emissions reporting fees.
- SB 81 Requires Department of Environmental Quality to collect fees for trips by vessels regulated under ballast water statutes.
- SB 82 Allows manufacturer program or state contractor program that collects, transports and recycles covered electronic devices beyond certain threshold to claim recycling credits.
- SB 83 Requires Department of Environmental Quality to establish grant and loan program for owners of subsurface sewage disposal systems.
- SB 84 Repeals provision requiring notice of violation related to sewage.
- SB 85 Limits access to dealer's surety bond by persons other than retail customers of dealer.
- SB 86 Exempts retainer medical practice from application of Insurance Code if health care provider maintaining practice is certified by Department of Consumer and Business Services and meets specified criteria.
- SB 87 Amends state law to be consistent with federal law regarding continuation of group health insurance coverage following termination of employment or other qualifying event.
- SB 88 Requires Director of Department of Consumer and Business Services to adopt prompt payment requirements for long term care insurance.
- SB 89 Requires certain health benefit plans to provide coverage of preventive health services as prescribed by United States Department of Health and Human Services and prohibits those plans from imposing cost-sharing requirements on enrollees for preventive health services.
- SB 90 Prohibits insurer from canceling, rescinding or refusing to renew policy except for fraud or intentional misrepresentation of material fact.
- SB 91 Requires health insurance carrier to offer, in each individual and small group market in which carrier offers health benefit plan, health benefit plan that provides bronze and silver plan coverage.
- SB 92 Provides for Director of Department of Consumer and Business Services to regulate activities of out-of-state financial institutions.
- SB 93 For charges and expenses of injuries related to law enforcement activity, requires provider first to bill and attempt to collect charges and expenses from individual, individual's insurance and responsible third party payer before billing Law Enforcement Medical Liability Account or local correctional facility.
- SB 94 Authorizes Department of Consumer and Business Services to adopt uniform standards for health care financial and administrative transactions of specified persons.
- SB 95 Requires insurer to defend claim of malpractice if claim is based on disclosure of adverse event by health practitioner to patient or patient's family.
- SB 96 Expands list of health professional regulatory boards subject to health care workforce data reporting to Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research.
- SB 97 Requires Oregon Health Authority and specified regulatory boards to develop standards and list of opportunities for continuing education in cultural competence and to develop and implement such education for licensed health care providers.
- SB 98 Requires Oregon Health Authority to adopt uniform, statewide standards for reporting of health care quality information by health care providers to insurers.
- SB 99 Establishes Oregon Health Insurance Exchange Corporation as public corporation to be governed by board of directors and supervised by executive director.
SB 100-199
- SB 100 Requires health insurance carriers to offer health benefit plan that provides bronze plan coverage.
- SB 101 Authorizes payment for dental services under Family Health Insurance Assistance Program and under private health option of Health Care for All Oregon Children program.
- SB 102 Requires Oregon Health Authority to report to Seventy-seventh Legislative Assembly on changes necessary to implement federal health care law.
- SB 103 Expands types of entities subject to Oregon Medical Insurance Pool assessment to include third party administrators for self-insurance arrangements.
- SB 104 In Family Health Insurance Assistance Program, eliminates asset criteria and authorizes Office of Private Health Partnerships to offer dental only plans, adopt definition of family by rule and adopt rules for recovery of overpayments of subsidies.
- SB 105 Requires Oregon Department of Administrative Services to transfer certain amounts from Tobacco Settlement Funds Account for certain purposes.
- SB 106 Modifies terminology relating to emergency medical services.
- SB 107 Clarifies that Oregon Health Authority may release information from immunization registry and tracking and recall system for purposes of outreach to clients who have missed public health interventions and for purposes of public health assessment and evaluation.
- SB 108 Requires Oregon Health Authority to establish and administer injury and violence prevention program.
- SB 109 Repeals statute that established now-obsolete Interagency Shared Information System.
- SB 110 Allows Employment Department to notify agent of employing unit of unemployment insurance benefits claim or denial of claim.
- SB 111 Establishes statewide audio newspaper service for individuals who are blind or print-disabled.
- SB 112 Exempts Oregon University System from Oregon Department of Administrative Services direction of state risk management and insurance programs.
- SB 113 Requires that Oregon Department of Administrative Services' tentative budget plan and Governor's budget report include projected compensation increases for Oregon University System faculty in same manner that such increases are included for state classified employees.
- SB 114 Requires that Oregon Department of Administrative Services' tentative budget plan and Governor's budget report include projected costs of supporting student enrollment growth within Oregon University System.
- SB 115 Modifies statutory basis for Oregon University System to cause issuance of higher education revenue bonds.
- SB 116 Allows State Board of Higher Education to authorize university under board control to establish university police department.
- SB 117 Exempts state institutions of higher education from requirements related to certain state agency projects.
- SB 118 Allows State Department of Agriculture to adopt rules to establish license fees for certain food-related establishments and occupations.
- SB 119 Requires State Department of Agriculture to establish certain fees for commercial growing, production, harvesting or distribution of shellfish.
- SB 120 Requires State Department of Agriculture to charge annual permit fees for confined animal feeding operations.
- SB 121 Increases maximum permissible annual license fees for retail seed sellers and wholesale seed sellers.
- SB 122 Allows State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries to enter into contracts with persons, public bodies or federal government pursuant to which department performs geoscientific surveys or analyses.
- SB 123 Adds certain rules adopted by State Parks and Recreation Commission to list of exemptions from provision requiring fee approval by Legislative Assembly.
- SB 124 Changes name of Oregon State Fair to Oregon Exposition Center.
- SB 125 Replaces Oregon Heritage Commission member designated by Oregon Business Development Department with member designated by Oregon Tourism Commission.
- SB 126 Clarifies assignment of duties regarding examination of water right examiners.
- SB 127 Authorizes Water Resources Department to enter into certain contracts and other agreements with governmental entities, corporations and other persons.
- SB 128 Removes obsolete reporting dates for Road User Fee Task Force.
- SB 129 Modifies offense of failure to yield right of way within roundabout.
- SB 130 Adds green, yellow and red bicycle signals and flashing yellow arrow signal to list of traffic control devices.
- SB 131 Modifies offense of making illegal U-turn.
- SB 132 Removes bond requirement for for-hire carriers that offer collect on delivery service.
- SB 133 Exempts person applying for restricted motorcycle endorsement to operate motorcycle with more than two wheels from requirement to take motorcycle rider education course.
- SB 134 Allows State Board of Chiropractic Examiners and State Board of Pharmacy to establish certain fees by rule.
- SB 135 Modifies membership of State Mortuary and Cemetery Board.
- SB 136 Allows certain regulatory boards to issue order punishing certain violations without issuing notice of intent to impose discipline.
- SB 137 Clarifies that student serving internship that covers both funeral service and embalming must be supervised by practitioner with combination funeral service practitioner and embalmer license.
- SB 138 Allows Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine to assess costs of disciplinary proceedings and impose other disciplinary action on person subject to discipline.
- SB 139 Modifies examination requirements for applicant for license to practice naturopathic medicine.
- SB 140 Allows Occupational Therapy Licensing Board to deny, suspend, revoke or refuse to renew license or impose probationary conditions if licensee or applicant violates statutes administered by board.
- SB 141 Modifies provisions relating to State Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and licensure of speech-language pathologists and audiologists.
- SB 142 Revises regulation of water utilities by Public Utility Commission.
- SB 143 Removes requirement that income of low income customers of telecommunications public utilities who reside in long-term care or residential care facilities not exceed 135 percent of federal poverty guidelines in order to receive assistance.
- SB 144 Changes eligibility of person to receive adaptive equipment or assistive telecommunication device from requirement that person be severely hard of hearing or severely speech impaired to requirement that person be hard of hearing or speech impaired.
- SB 145 Authorizes Public Utility Commission and Department of Revenue to exchange information ensuring compliance with Residential Service Protection Fund and tax for emergency services requirements.
- SB 146 Extends scope of Residential Service Protection Fund surcharge to include fixed interconnected voice over Internet protocol service and prepaid telecommunications service.
- SB 147 Modifies descriptions of pilotage grounds within which certain vessels must be under direction of state-licensed pilot.
- SB 148 Requires person engaging in business of offering totalizator services using equipment located within state to obtain licensing from Oregon Racing Commission.
- SB 149 Allows Oregon Racing Commission to establish license fees for certain persons by rule.
- SB 150 Directs Housing and Community Services Department to designate counties as exception counties if substantial disparity exists between median household income and cost of safe and affordable housing.
- SB 151 Expands and clarifies authority of Housing and Community Services Department regarding use of moneys in Housing Development and Guarantee Account.
- SB 152 Relieves Director of Housing and Community Services Department of responsibility for providing staff support for and payment of operating expenses of Hunger Relief Task Force.
- SB 153 Allows Construction Contractors Board to adopt rules for determining whether limited inspection of system or component of residential structure or appurtenance constitutes home inspector services.
- SB 154 Increases threshold amount of claims for which Construction Contractors Board may adopt rule making contested case proceeding unavailable.
- SB 155 Modifies definitions of "residential structure" and "small commercial structure" for purposes of construction contractor laws.
- SB 156 Delineates affirmative duties owed by real estate property manager to property owner.
- SB 157 Provides for one member of State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying to be registered photogrammetrist.
- SB 158 Grants immunity from civil liability or administrative proceeding to State Board of Geologist Examiners members, employees, agents, counsel and volunteers with regard to official actions.
- SB 159 Prohibits payment for signature gathering for initiative or referendum petition based on number of signatures obtained.
- SB 160 Creates offense of driver operation with obstructing animal.
- SB 161 Allows unattended dispensing of motor vehicle fuels at service station if station also provides attended dispensing of motor vehicle fuels upon request.
- SB 162 Decreases fee for renewal of driver license with motorcycle endorsement.
- SB 163 Directs Governor to appoint State Marine Director.
- SB 164 Creates State Energy Commission.
- SB 165 Designates Oregon Historical Society's facilities and assets as historic sites eligible for Oregon State Lottery moneys deposited in Parks and Natural Resources Fund.
- SB 166 Temporarily increases interest rates for tax deficiencies or delinquencies.
- SB 167 Requires Director of State Department of Energy to make records of moneys deposited in State Department of Energy Account available to certain parties.
- SB 168 Authorizes issuance of lottery bonds to finance implementation of Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement of 2010.
- SB 169 Establishes Task Force on Natural Resource Agency Consolidation.
- SB 170 Requires Department of Education to be responsible for payment of costs of education of students in eligible day treatment program or eligible residential treatment program by contracting with school district in which program is located.
- SB 171 Directs Department of Consumer and Business Services to conduct study on feasibility of establishing community-based centers of occupational health and education.
- SB 172 Increases period during which injured worker enrolled in managed care organization may receive care not authorized by managed care organization from attending physician or nurse practitioner before insurer or self-insured employer may suspend compensation paid to worker.
- SB 173 Provides that amounts recoverable by medical service provider or health insurance provider for medical services provided in workers' compensation claim resolved by settlement may be limited by agreement.
- SB 174 Modifies definition of "supervisory employee" for purposes of public employee collective bargaining law.
- SB 175 Creates Oregon Employer Workforce Training Program and Oregon Youth Employment Program in Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development.
- SB 176 Requires local workforce investment board to establish committee of public and private sector representatives to develop strategy to align expenditure of resources to maximize investments in workforce development in local workforce investment area.
- SB 177 Requires board of directors of credit union to meet at least 10 times in each calendar year in separate months.
- SB 178 Removes requirement for Commissioner of Bureau of Labor and Industries to compare state and federal prevailing rates of wage and make results of comparison available when commissioner determines state prevailing rate of wage.
- SB 179 Authorizes director of Travel Information Council and designated persons to issue citations for violation of health and safety rules at roadside rest areas managed by council.
- SB 180 Prohibits Department of Transportation from administering examination for driver license in language other than English.
- SB 181 Suspends for 2011-2013 biennium requirements placed on school districts related to self-evaluations, local district continuous improvement plans, alternative placements for students, alcohol and drug abuse prevention programs, instructional materials, substitute teacher salaries, talented and gifted students, instructional time, guidance and counseling programs, media programs and class sizes.
- SB 182 Makes English official language of state.
- SB 183 Suspends for 2011-2013 biennium requirements placed on school districts related to self-evaluations, local district continuous improvement plans, alternative placements for students, alcohol and drug abuse prevention programs, purchasing instructional materials, substitute teacher salaries, talented and gifted students, instructional time, guidance and counseling programs, media programs and class sizes.
- SB 184 Establishes Oregon Health Access Fund and continuously appropriates moneys in fund to Oregon Health Authority for specified purposes.
- SB 185 Directs Department of Education to study costs to state and school districts from federal education mandates.
- SB 186 Requires that person seeking to appeal land use decision or limited land use decision to Land Use Board of Appeals must own, or have ownership interest in, real property within ___ miles of real property affected by decision.
- SB 187 Requires Department of Human Services to release and disclose reports and records of child abuse investigations upon request of member of Legislative Assembly for purposes of responding to constituent's complaint or grievance or for the conduct of legislative business.
- SB 188 Directs Secretary of State to enter into contract with firm to perform independent actuarial review of moneys received and expended by public bodies of this state related to United States Department of Education.
- SB 189 Authorizes Klamath County to expend forest reserve moneys received from federal government for patrolling county roads.
- SB 190 Classifies certain waters of Columbia River to be used for specific purposes.
- SB 191 Eliminates task force on impact of Oregon Opportunity program.
- SB 192 Expands green jobs growth initiative to include analysis of growth factors and employment projections for green jobs in forest products industries.
- SB 193 Creates Oregon New Markets Development Program.
- SB 194 Includes community development financial institutions in types of financial institutions eligible to enter into loan or credit guarantee agreement with Oregon Business Development Department.
- SB 195 Repeals statutes related to Space Age Industrial Park.
- SB 196 Requires Department of Human Services and counties to implement Strengthening, Preserving and Reunifying Families programs in each county of state to provide family preservation and reunification services for children in department's legal custody.
- SB 197 Prohibits Oregon Health Authority from discriminating based on claims volume in rates of reimbursement for dispensing prescription drugs in medical assistance program.
- SB 198 Requires mandatory mediation between trustee and grantor before sale to foreclose residential trust deed.
- SB 199 Requires certain employers to offer annual vaccinations at no cost to health care employees and to require vaccinations as condition of employment.
SB 200-299
- SB 200 Requires Oregon Health Authority to develop criteria for and to designate primary stroke centers.
- SB 201 Provides that enrollee may transfer from one prepaid managed care health services organization to another organization no more than once during each enrollment period.
- SB 202 Requires hospital to obtain certificate of need for capital project.
- SB 203 Requires physician to practice medicine without interference or influence by persons not licensed to practice medicine. .
- SB 204 Allows disclosure of identity of person between health care providers and prepaid managed care health services organizations that are paid by state health plan to provide care to person.
- SB 205 Requires medical staff bylaws at health care facility to provide for fair hearing process to challenge denial, revocation, suspension or restriction of physician privileges.
- SB 206 Prohibits use and disclosure without patient authorization and for fundraising activities, protected health information held by health care providers, health insurers and health care clearinghouses.
- SB 207 Requires Oregon Patient Safety Commission to establish system for patients to report to commission serious adverse events occurring in hospitals.
- SB 208 Prohibits hospitals from billing to or attempting to collect from uninsured patients charges that exceed either Medicare rate or rate paid by hospital's highest volume commercial insurer.
- SB 209 Requires hospitals to annually report executive compensation of hospital administrator and to annually report financial relationships between hospital and members of board of directors of hospital.
- SB 210 Requires Oregon Health Authority to reimburse primary care practitioners directly or through prepaid managed care health services organizations based on Medicare reimbursement rate.
- SB 211 Requires Oregon Health Authority to give preference in contracting to prepaid managed care health services organizations that are community focused, have experience with medical assistance recipients and have established relationships with provider networks.
- SB 212 Requires DRG hospitals annually to submit list of charges to Oregon Health Authority.
- SB 213 Makes legislative findings regarding emergency medical services.
- SB 214 Requires Oregon Health Authority to reconcile claims made by and payments due to prepaid managed care health services organizations no later than 90 days after effective date of Act and to pay claims identified within 30 days.
- SB 215 Requires that administrative law judges assigned from Office of Administrative Hearings to conduct hearing involving health issues arising out of provision or denial of medical assistance must have proven expertise in medical issues, in laws governing state's medical assistance program and in prioritized list of health services established by Health Services Commission.
- SB 216 Prohibits Oregon Health Authority from taking actions that cumulatively increase cost to prepaid managed care health services organization of providing health services during one biennium by more than one percent without prior approval of Joint Committee on Ways and Means.
- SB 217 Permits urban renewal plans to include school construction or reconstruction projects.
- SB 218 Extends terms of loans made from Special Public Works Fund.
- SB 219 Requires Oregon Business Development Department to administer Oregon Business Retention and Expansion Program to lend incremental Oregon Business Retention and Expansion Program tax revenues to certified employers.
- SB 220 Requires architect subcontracting work to registered professional engineer to have written contract.
- SB 221 Makes permanent provisions allowing health care representative to consent to hospitalization of principal for treatment of behavior caused by dementia.
- SB 222 Establishes Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Licensing Board in Oregon Health Licensing Agency.
- SB 223 Declares that physician faculty workforce shortage exists.
- SB 224 Modifies provisions relating to regulation of physician assistants.
- SB 225 Directs Oregon Health Authority to study methods used in other states to address issues relating to scope of practice of health professionals.
- SB 226 Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Oregon Youth Authority for purpose of gang intervention services in east Multnomah County.
- SB 227 Directs Oregon Board of Dentistry to issue certificates to dental therapists to perform certain dental services.
- SB 228 Authorizes Oregon Medical Board to issue certificates of prescriptive authority to certain licensed psychologists who meet specified requirements.
- SB 229 Requires health benefit plan to cover services provided by naturopath if plan would cover same services provided by physician.
- SB 230 Expands purposes for which professional corporation may be organized to include professional corporation to practice health care services.
- SB 231 Prohibits insurer from seeking refund of payment on claim submitted by health care provider after date specified by agreement but no more than 24 months after claim was paid.
- SB 232 Clarifies educational requirements for limited access permit dental hygienist.
- SB 233 Requires hospital that is affiliated with health system to use same procedures with respect to privileges that are used for physicians who are not affiliated with health system as are used for physicians who are affiliated with health system.
- SB 234 Modifies terminology relating to emergency medical services providers.
- SB 235 Establishes medical education loan program fund for new primary care physicians in Oregon.
- SB 236 Makes participation in Oregon Patient Safety Reporting Program mandatory for hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers.
- SB 237 Extends whistleblower protection for hospital nursing staff to additional hospital staff.
- SB 238 Requires Oregon Health Authority to conduct review of rules adopted by authority relating to mental health and addiction treatment providers to determine if excessive requirements and redundancies can be eliminated and if process for collecting patient data can be streamlined.
- SB 239 Requires Office of Rural Health to review designation of rural hospitals at least once every five years.
- SB 240 Requires school employees to report acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying and acts of cyberbullying.
- SB 241 Requires state agencies to ask if customer or client is veteran and provide information from Department of Veterans' Affairs and reintegration team within Oregon Military Department to veterans.
- SB 242 Creates Higher Education Coordinating Commission.
- SB 243 Requires state institution of higher education, community college or Oregon Health and Science University to waive tuition and fees for current or former foster child under 25 years of age.
- SB 244 Requires State Board of Education to encourage increased learning time.
- SB 245 Extends by two years sunset of Oregon School Facilities Task Force and Oregon School Facilities Task Force Fund.
- SB 246 Requires children five or six years of age who are enrolled in public school to maintain regular attendance at public school.
- SB 247 Establishes statutory provisions required for Superintendent of Public Instruction to borrow money pursuant to Article XI-P of Oregon Constitution for capital costs of school districts.
- SB 248 Extends applicability of law that requires school districts to offer half-day kindergarten and allows school districts and public charter schools to offer supplemental kindergarten.
- SB 249 Creates Task Force on School Reform.
- SB 250 Allows specified school districts to withdraw from education service district .
- SB 251 Extends applicability of law that requires school districts to offer half-day kindergarten and allows school districts and public charter schools to offer supplemental kindergarten.
- SB 252 Establishes School District Collaboration Grant Program to provide funding for school districts to improve student achievement.
- SB 253 Revises mission of higher education to meet numerical educational goals.
- SB 254 Directs Department of Education to administer grant program to provide grants related to accelerated college credit programs.
- SB 255 Modifies contents of and process for proposal to establish public charter school.
- SB 256 Creates Task Force on Technology and Security of Personal Health Care Information.
- SB 257 Excludes from definition of "employment," for purposes of unemployment insurance benefits, service performed in operation of passenger motor vehicle operated as taxicab or for nonemergency medical transportation by person with ownership or leasehold interest in vehicle.
- SB 258 Establishes Oregon Institute of Technology as independent public university, governed by Oregon Institute of Technology Board of Directors.
- SB 259 Declares provision in motor carrier transportation contract that indemnifies party to contract against liability for acts of other party to be void.
- SB 260 Authorizes issuance of lottery bonds for transportation projects.
- SB 261 Expands definition of "applicant" for purposes of removal-fill permitting program.
- SB 262 Replaces brand inspection for equines with equine ownership certificate.
- SB 263 Provides that words "nonaffiliated/independent" follow name of candidate who is nominated for partisan office by assembly of electors or individual electors on certificate of nomination and ballot.
- SB 264 Exempts county roads from requirement to get new approach permit for change of use of private approach road.
- SB 265 Deletes definition of "applicant" for purposes of certain provisions related to removal-fill permitting program.
- SB 266 Prohibits tollway operator from charging more for toll based solely on method of payment.
- SB 267 Requires chief petitioner of initiative or referendum petition to disclose system of bonuses, incentives or payment or minimum expectation of signatures to be obtained.
- SB 268 Requires Water Resources Department to biennially report to Legislative Assembly regarding measurement of significant diversions of surface water from certain watersheds.
- SB 269 Requires investment officers and assistant investment officers in Investment Division of office of State Treasurer to file statement of economic interest.
- SB 270 Modifies definition of "contribution" for purposes related to campaign finance regulation.
- SB 271 Establishes Campaign Finance Fund.
- SB 272 Modifies definition of campaign "contribution.".
- SB 273 Reduces maximum penalty that may be imposed for failure to file ethics statements in timely fashion from $5,000 to $1,000.
- SB 274 Prohibits providing postage prepaid for signature sheet for petition or prospective petition for state measure to be initiated.
- SB 275 Requires board of education of community college district to develop standards for community college to implement to give credit for education and training obtained by person while serving in Armed Forces of United States.
- SB 276 States that Legislative Assembly finds that United States Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration should be encouraged to export its expertise in conditions associated with military service to health care providers outside of administration and that health care providers outside of administration should seek continuing education regarding conditions associated with military service.
- SB 277 Clarifies that veteran or disabled veteran who applies for vacant civil service position or who seeks promotion to civil service position with higher maximum salary rate is entitled to veterans' preference.
- SB 278 Directs Department of Veterans' Affairs to develop and implement program designed to encourage women who are veterans to take advantage of health care benefits provided by United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
- SB 279 Directs Department of Veterans' Affairs to establish toll-free telephone line to assist victims of military sexual trauma.
- SB 280 Appropriates moneys to Department of Veterans' Affairs for purpose of assisting veterans who use wheelchairs with medical transportation.
- SB 281 Provides credit against income taxes for providing mental health services to veterans.
- SB 282 Directs certain state agencies to partner with Oregon Military Department to provide reintegration services for veterans.
- SB 283 Requires entry of judgment with installment payments in medical liability actions in which $100,000 or more is awarded for losses that will be incurred by plaintiff after entry of judgment.
- SB 284 Directs Oregon Department of Administrative Services to sell Timms Hamby Computer Archive Center to Harney County for consideration of $1.
- SB 285 Directs Oregon Department of Administrative Services to sell Timms Hamby Computer Archive Center to Harney County for consideration of $1.
- SB 286 Directs Legislative Revenue Officer to prepare quarterly revenue estimates.
- SB 287 Directs each state agency to report to Legislative Assembly and Emergency Board on programs and services operated or provided by agency, percentage of agency moneys expended on each program or service, source of moneys expended for each program or service, whether each program or service receives matching federal funds and whether agency rates each program or service as high, medium or low priority.
- SB 288 Authorizes limited disclosure of child welfare records to specified individuals if purpose of disclosure is to determine if Department of Human Services acted within scope of department's authority.
- SB 289 Requires State Fish and Wildlife Commission to consult with cities and counties on impact to local economies from additions to lists of threatened or endangered species.
- SB 290 Directs State Board of Education to adopt , no later than January 1, 2012, core teaching standards to improve student academic growth and learning.
- SB 291 Creates Expanded Learning Opportunities 2011 Task Force.
- SB 292 Prohibits imposing financial obligation on consumer who accepts free offer unless offer complies with disclosure and billing information requirements.
- SB 293 Modifies provisions regulating negotiation of rental agreements and disclosure of rent and fees.
- SB 294 Changes methods by which landlord may bill tenant for utilities or services.
- SB 295 Enacts Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact.
- SB 296 Modifies provisions related to distance between private hunting preserves.
- SB 297 Makes technical changes in Oregon tax statutes.
- SB 298 Requires interest on moneys in General Fund to be deposited into Oregon Rainy Day Fund.
- SB 299 Changes method by which surplus "kicker" refunds are made to personal income taxpayers.
SB 300-399
- SB 300 Modifies provisions relating to enforcement of liens for association assessments in planned communities and condominiums.
- SB 301 Updates connection date to federal Internal Revenue Code and other provisions of federal tax law.
- SB 302 Extends eligibility for amended repayment schedule to additional taxes due to correction of property tax roll made on or after May 27, 2008, and before May 27, 2010, to the extent additional taxes were outstanding on November 1, 2010.
- SB 303 Limits receipt of surplus "kicker" revenue refunds to taxpayers who file returns for tax year on which distribution calculation is based within five calendar years of original due date of returns.
- SB 304 Requires county to pay attorney fees and expenses allowed in property tax proceeding involving locally assessed property.
- SB 305 Allows Department of Revenue to grant extensions, for good cause shown, for taxes to be paid under installment payment agreements by participants in tax amnesty program.
- SB 306 Modifies requirements by which county may elect to form district.
- SB 307 Expands allowable purposes for new or increased local transient lodging tax to include funding of tourism-related services.
- SB 308 Provides for early repeal of pilot project that requires applicants for certain occupational or professional licenses to demonstrate and maintain tax compliance as condition of issuance or renewal of license.
- SB 309 Includes individual in definition of "members of the same family" for purposes of family business exclusion from definition of "employment" in unemployment insurance statutes.
- SB 310 Creates and adjusts sunset dates for certain exemptions to property taxation.
- SB 311 Bases corporate minimum tax levied on C corporations on level of business activity in state.
- SB 312 Directs Legislative Assembly to leave unappropriated two percent of amount of General Fund revenues estimated to be available for biennium.
- SB 313 Repeals statutory provisions establishing Oregon Rainy Day Fund if amendment to Oregon Constitution proposed by Senate Joint Resolution 10 (2011) is approved by people.
- SB 314 Extends sunset for tax credit for certified film production development contributions.
- SB 315 Extends sunset for tax credits for qualified research activities.
- SB 316 Extends sunset for long term tax credit for rural enterprise zone.
- SB 317 Extends sunset for tax credit for electronic commerce in enterprise zone or city designated for electronic commerce.
- SB 318 Adjusts sunset for tax credit for manufacture of water transit vessels.
- SB 319 Extends sunset for tax credits for qualifying repowered or retrofitted diesel engines.
- SB 320 Adjusts sunset for tax credit for reforestation.
- SB 321 Extends sunsets for tax credits for farmworker housing.
- SB 322 Includes commercial uses of multiple-unit housing as allowable uses for purposes of exemption from property taxation.
- SB 323 Extends sunset date of multiple-unit housing exemption from property taxation to 2022.
- SB 324 Authorizes collection agencies engaged by Department of Revenue to collect delinquent taxes and to issue tax warrants, liens and writs of attachment and garnishment.
- SB 325 Requires Department of Revenue to allow personal income taxpayers to file returns electronically.
- SB 326 Replaces inheritance tax imposed on basis of former federal credit for state death tax with estate tax imposed as percentage of Oregon taxable estate.
- SB 327 Creates crime of unlawful manufacture of marijuana on public land.
- SB 328 Gives employer responsibility for determining hours worked by employee for purposes of small employer group health insurance.
- SB 329 Requires insurers to pay indemnities under health insurance policy directly to providers of health services.
- SB 330 Establishes Task Force on Instruction of Talented and Gifted Children for purpose of making determinations related to instruction of talented and gifted children.
- SB 331 Requires Department of Education to grant waiver to allow school districts to contract with entity that meets specified criteria for purpose of administering nationally normed assessments.
- SB 332 Authorizes Beaverton School District to elect to provide benefit plan other than plan provided and administered by Oregon Educators Benefit Board.
- SB 333 Creates Educator Preparation Improvement Fund.
- SB 334 Allows court to order joint custody upon finding by court that joint custody is in best interests of child.
- SB 335 Decreases income tax rate for individuals with taxable income above $125,000 for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2012.
- SB 336 Reduces rate of tax on certain capital gains of personal income taxpayers.
- SB 337 Establishes Oregon Fund for Energy, Jobs and Innovation.
- SB 338 Establishes Task Force on Tuition Waivers for Spouses and Dependents of Fallen and Disabled Soldiers at Community Colleges in Oregon for purposes related to issuance of tuition waivers for qualified students at community college districts.
- SB 339 Establishes Early Childhood Matters Advisory Council in Governor's office.
- SB 340 Directs Legislative Assembly to review state agencies and programs, taxes and fees administered by state agencies every six years.
- SB 341 Expands offense of failure to yield right of way within a roundabout.
- SB 342 Revises statutory provisions relating to lottery moneys constitutionally directed toward acquisition, management and protection of parks and recreation areas and toward financing restoration and protection of native fish and wildlife, watersheds and water quality.
- SB 343 Adjusts calculation of cost of education for certain private institutions of higher education for purpose of Oregon Opportunity Grant to take into account some of amount that cost of education is reduced at public institutions of higher education as result of public funds.
- SB 344 Authorizes road authority to designate speed on highway in its jurisdiction that is five miles per hour lower than statutory speed under specified circumstances.
- SB 345 Requires that one member of State Board of Forestry be representative of organized labor.
- SB 346 Exempts from disclosure under public records law audio recording of voice of caller to 9-1-1 emergency reporting system unless public interest requires disclosure.
- SB 347 Exempts from disclosure records of domestic violence service or resource center that concern individuals affected by domestic or sexual violence who visit center for referrals, resource information or related services, or individuals' family members.
- SB 348 Designates May of each year Lupus Awareness Month and makes May 10, 2011, Oregon Lupus Day.
- SB 349 Increases percentage of federal earned income credit allowable as credit against Oregon personal income tax in each of four consecutive tax years.
- SB 350 Creates offense of animal neglect in third degree.
- SB 351 Removes exemption for debt collectors from statute requiring caller using automatic dialing and announcing device to not include numbers for subscribers on list compiled for purpose of not receiving telephone solicitations.
- SB 352 Defines "casual employee" and "temporary employee," and includes temporary employees in definition of "appropriate bargaining unit," for purposes of collective bargaining between public employers and public employees.
- SB 353 Makes nonsubstantive and technical changes in Oregon law.
- SB 354 Requires Department of Corrections to negotiate agreement with state that withdraws from Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision.
- SB 355 Decreases penalty for crime of cheating to maximum of one year's imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both.
- SB 356 Repeals provisions relating to pilot treatment program for persons convicted of sex crimes who are eligible for parole or post-prison supervision.
- SB 357 Reduces minimum duration of special alternative incarceration program from 270 days to 240 days.
- SB 358 Increases amount of noneconomic damages that may be awarded in civil action seeking damages arising out of bodily injury.
- SB 359 Increases number of members appointed to Council on Court Procedures by Board of Governors of Oregon State Bar from 12 to 14.
- SB 360 Provides that prohibition on justice of the peace district including portion of city that is county seat, or portion of city in which circuit court regularly holds court, does not prevent justice of the peace from conducting arraignment for person in custody in city if accusatory instrument for offense was filed in justice court and offense was committed within boundaries of justice of the peace district.
- SB 361 Requires that two Multnomah County judges hold court in City of Gresham.
- SB 362 Extends statute of limitations from 10 years to 12 years for action for recovery of real property or for recovery of possession of real property.
- SB 363 Deletes requirement that Oregon Youth Authority make progress reports to Legislative Assembly.
- SB 364 Increases time for conducting preliminary hearing on minor's application for emancipation to 15 days.
- SB 365 Directs Attorney General to adopt rules describing circumstances under which state may seek death penalty.
- SB 366 Requires county in which defendant is charged with aggravated murder to reimburse state for one-half of costs associated with death penalty.
- SB 367 Creates Death Penalty Review Committee to review prosecutions for aggravated murder.
- SB 368 Requires district attorney to provide notice of intent to seek sentence of death and disclose evidence that will be offered in support.
- SB 369 Creates process by which judge, appointed by Chief Justice of Supreme Court, reviews cases in which sentence of death is imposed when conviction or sentence is subject to litigation.
- SB 370 Modifies scope of Supreme Court review in death penalty cases.
- SB 371 Authorizes Department of Corrections to award inmates credit toward service of sentence of up to 54 days for each year of incarceration.
- SB 372 Removes ambulance services from list of services for which fee schedules are used to calculate charges for personal injury protection benefits.
- SB 373 Directs forfeiture counsel to report certain information to Asset Forfeiture Oversight Advisory Committee electronically.
- SB 374 Extends reinsurance program for medical professional liability insurance policies provided by State Accident Insurance Fund Corporation for one year.
- SB 375 Applies discovery provisions to criminal prosecutions conducted in courts that have not become courts of record.
- SB 376 Creates crime of assisting another person to commit suicide.
- SB 377 Authorizes court to enter judgment of conviction for Class A misdemeanor when person is convicted of manufacturing amounts of marijuana not greater than amounts permitted for possession under Oregon Medical Marijuana Act.
- SB 378 Modifies period of time within which state must notify criminal defendant of intention to rely on enhancement fact.
- SB 379 Eliminates nominating petitions for positions on Oregon State Bar board of governors and house of delegates.
- SB 380 Requires member of Oregon State Bar to annually certify whether member maintains any lawyer trust accounts in Oregon.
- SB 381 Eliminates local professional responsibility committees established by board of governors of Oregon State Bar.
- SB 382 Requires lien claimants to send required notice of lien claim only to mortgagees that comply with requirement to record name and address with county clerk.
- SB 383 Allows initial or secondary notice of defect in residence to be sent by certified mail.
- SB 384 Revises billing cycle requirement for prompt payment of amounts due under private construction contracts.
- SB 385 Modifies laws related to elective share of surviving spouse.
- SB 386 Provides that property acquired by gift and separately held by one party is not subject to presumption of equal contribution in domestic relations proceeding. .
- SB 387 Revises Uniform Principal and Income Act.
- SB 388 Increases number of Court of Appeals judges from 10 to 13.
- SB 389 Establishes means by which person may request production of confidential jury records as evidence in post-conviction relief proceedings.
- SB 390 Authorizes specified disclosure from record of commitment proceeding.
- SB 391 Specifies conditions under which tax court magistrate may hold outside office or position of profit or pursue outside calling or vocation.
- SB 392 Extends sunset date on conditional exemption from disclosure of public records that set forth name, home address or professional location of person engaged in, or providing goods and services for, medical research at Oregon Health and Science University that is conducted using animals other than rodents.
- SB 393 Provides that offenders sentenced to mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment for certain crimes committed when they were 15, 16 or 17 years of age are eligible for conditional release hearing after having served one-half of sentence imposed.
- SB 394 Provides that offenders sentenced to mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment for certain crimes committed when they were 15, 16 or 17 years of age are eligible for conditional release hearing after having served one-half of sentence imposed.
- SB 395 Modifies obligation of Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to classify driving while under the influence of intoxicants as crime category 6.
- SB 396 Authorizes sheriff to serve copy of protective order transmitted by electronic communication device from court or law enforcement agency.
- SB 397 Allows action based on tort to be brought against officer, employee or agent of public body if complaint alleges that plaintiff is entitled to damages in excess of limitations imposed by Oregon Torts Claims Act.
- SB 398 Modifies crimes of intimidation in first and second degree to include offenses committed because of offender's perception of victim's disability.
- SB 399 Removes hearsay exemption for statement offered against party who intentionally or knowingly engaged in criminal conduct that directly caused death of declarant, or directly caused declarant to become unavailable as witness because of incapacity or incompetence.
SB 400-499
- SB 400 Provides that if party filing notice of appeal is involuntarily confined in state or local governmental facility, date of filing of notice and service of copies is date on which party delivers original notice of appeal and appropriate number of copies to person or place designated by facility for handling outgoing mail.
- SB 401 Creates crime of insurance fraud.
- SB 402 Modifies definition of "previous conviction" and "prior conviction" for purposes of certain criminal statutes when person is under 18 years of age at time crime is committed.
- SB 403 Modifies definition of "previous conviction" for purposes of Ballot Measure 73 (2010).
- SB 404 Provides that judge is not prohibited from acting as judge in proceeding solely because judge is related to partners, associates or other persons in firm of attorney who represents party to proceeding.
- SB 405 Allows State Board of Higher Education to authorize university under board control to establish police department.
- SB 406 Modifies period of time after which, and jurisdiction wherein, person may petition for restoration of driving privileges when privileges are revoked following certain criminal conduct.
- SB 407 Removes exception for person operating motor vehicle in scope of person's employment from offense of operating motor vehicle while using mobile communication device.
- SB 408 Modifies provisions related to juvenile sex offenders.
- SB 409 Requires judge to appoint certified shorthand reporter for proceedings in aggravated murder trials.
- SB 410 Prohibits trial court from imposing sentence on remand that exceeds sentence imposed before appeal, unless longer sentence required by law.
- SB 411 Establishes standards and procedures for determining fitness of youth to proceed on delinquency petition.
- SB 412 Provides authorized tribal police officers with certain powers and protections provided to Oregon law enforcement officers.
- SB 413 Modifies responsibilities of Department of Human Services when responding to complaints regarding residential facilities licensed by department.
- SB 414 Provides that upon delivery of small estate affidavit to person that controls access to personal property belonging to estate of decedent, including financial institution with safe deposit box, access must be provided to property .
- SB 415 Modifies information to be included in citation for offense of careless driving.
- SB 416 Authorizes court to impose probation with intensive supervision under certain circumstances when person is convicted of certain drug or property crimes.
- SB 417 Requires circuit court to allow attorney to appear at hearing by telephone, or by video if available, if evidence will not be submitted at hearing and attorney does not have principal office within 50 miles of place at which hearing will be held.
- SB 418 Creates exception to minimum fine statute for court sentencing offender to community service as alternative to fine.
- SB 419 Clarifies definition of "abuse" in Elderly Persons and Persons With Disabilities Abuse Prevention Act with respect to conduct involving elements of speech.
- SB 420 Modifies court's dispositional authority when person found guilty except for insanity of crime.
- SB 421 Provides that civil action based on negligence, including but not limited to claim for indemnity or contribution, may not be brought against design professional for damages arising out of work performed by design professional on improvement unless action is brought by person who contracted with design professional.
- SB 422 Prohibits contracting agency from requiring contractor in contract for architectural, engineering and land surveying services or related services to obtain and maintain in force liability insurance with combined single limit that exceeds $1 million unless contracting agency makes determination after considering certain factors or unless contracting agency pays portion of premium cost that is attributable to increased combined single limit.
- SB 423 Authorizes Department of Corrections and Oregon Youth Authority to certify employees for purposes of providing mental health services to inmates and persons in custody of authority.
- SB 424 Clarifies that pedestrian is crossing roadway in crosswalk when any part or extension of pedestrian's body moves onto roadway with intent to proceed.
- SB 425 Specifies that knowingly aiding or facilitating commission of prostitution by person under 18 years of age constitutes crime of compelling prostitution.
- SB 426 Requires Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to administer grant program designed to reduce commission of certain crimes committed against minors.
- SB 427 Requires court to impose fine in specified amount on certain persons convicted of prostitution.
- SB 428 Authorizes placement of child in facility that provides care and services to victims of sexual exploitation if child engages in certain prostitution-related activities and if peace officer or other person taking child into protective custody has reason to believe that, if released, child is likely to continue to engage in prostitution-related activities.
- SB 429 Authorizes detention of minor accused of certain prostitution-related conduct for up to three judicial days under certain circumstances.
- SB 430 Includes specified crimes as prohibited conduct for purposes of civil forfeiture.
- SB 431 Creates crime of failure to identify oneself.
- SB 432 Clarifies date on which custody begins for person temporarily committed because of finding of temporary unfitness to stand criminal trial.
- SB 433 Expands eligibility for medical assistance for low-income and uninsured women diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer.
- SB 434 Prohibits licensees of Oregon Liquor Control Commission from manufacturing, importing, storing, delivering, distributing or selling alcoholic beverages containing caffeine or containing other substances used for increasing energy levels.
- SB 435 Prohibits distribution of free samples of tobacco products.
- SB 436 Modifies definition of "rural area" for purposes of Strategic Investment Program.
- SB 437 Expands public records disclosure exemption to records, communications and information received by counties and cities in connection with applications for economic development moneys, support or assistance.
- SB 438 Authorizes holder of off-premises sales license, under certain conditions, to store wine at licensed premises for transport to other licensed premises for sale at retail.
- SB 439 Clarifies that statutes regulating physical therapy apply to person who uses word or title to induce belief that person is practicing physical therapy.
- SB 440 Clarifies that state board or commission may meet through telephone or other electronic means.
- SB 441 Modifies provisions related to written agreements by Department of Environmental Quality that provide certain parties with release from potential liability for releases of hazardous substances.
- SB 442 Directs establishment of wine country license plate program for issuance of special registration plate.
- SB 443 Extends sunset on provision allowing federal forest reserve moneys in Douglas County road fund and Lane County road fund to be used for law enforcement purposes.
- SB 444 Expands exemption of homemade beer, wine and fermented fruit juice from Liquor Control Act.
- SB 445 Authorizes court to allow credit against child support arrearages when parties have made oral or written agreement to reduce child support or when child for whom child support was ordered has died.
- SB 446 Modifies requirements for use of Oregon Coordinate System for land surveying.
- SB 447
SB 0-99