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The capitol rotunda from the Capitol inerior​Universal Access

ADA Information Phone: 1-800-332-2313, or TTY: 711
ADA Email:
Building Address: 900 Court St. NE, Salem Oregon 97301


Oregon State Legislature American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) Web Accessibility Statement ​

The Oregon State Legislature is committed to ensuring that its public-facing website is accessible to all people regardless of ability or access method in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has equal access to information and can fully participate in government.

To ensure ADA accessibility of the Legislative website, staff designated as content contributors are advised of content contribution techniques to improve access to all legislative content. 
Periodic compliance scans of the site will be conducted to detect Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 discrepancies. These discrepancies will be corrected to the best of our ability.

The Oregon State Legislature will make use of industry-standard techniques and preferred ​practices to provide the highest possible level of ADA website accessibility for our users. The current website implemented in 2013, with ADA compliance being a requirement, employed above-mentioned practices where possible within the infrastructure, resulting in improved conformity over the previous site. With the transition to the new site completed, we are committed to assessing, prioritizing, and addressing the areas that are found to be non-ADA compliant. As a result, we will continue to progress in stages toward our ultimate accessibility goal.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions. If you have any difficulty accessing information on our website, please contact us using the contact information on this page.

General ADA Information:

Capitol Hearing rooms and House and Senate Chambers have universal access. ADA accommodation requests should be directed to Employee Services at 503-986-1373. Requests for accommodation should be made at least 72 hours in advance.

Wheelchair Entrance (Picture below - click to enlarge)

  • Powered doors and a ramp are located on the south side of the building (State Street).

 Map showing State Street entrances, including ADA

Emergency Alarms

  • Emergency alarms in the Capitol are equipped with flashing strobes for deaf and hard-of-hearing persons.


  • Universal: 1st through 4th floors in the House Wing. Assisted transfer device available on the second floor.

Chambers (Picture below - click to enlarge)

  • House and Senate third floor chamber universal access in the Galleries are closed construction.
Third Floor map

Hearing room map showing ADA accessHearing Rooms (Picture to the right)

  • Hearing rooms are wheelchair accessible. If a large group of wheelchair users is planning to attend a specific meeting, please notify Legislative Administration at least 24-hours before the hearing, Room 140-A or call 503-986-1848, so arrangements can be made for additional wheelchair space.   

Hearing Assistance

  • Stop by the Information Desk or call 503-986-1388 to learn more.


  • If special accommodation is required in order to testify before a committee, please contact the committee administrator or support staff at least 24-hours before the meeting with your request.  Following are contact numbers: Legislative Committees 503-986-1813 or 1-800-332-2313 (outside Salem)

Sign Language Interpreters


  • Elevators access all floors in the Capitol and can accommodate most wheelchairs.

Oregon Legislative Website  (URL:

  • This legislative website has links to information about the Oregon Legislative Assembly, committees, full text of legislative measures (since 1995), full text of Oregon Revised Statutes, and full text of session and interim publications. During Session, live audio is available from the Oregon Senate and House Chambers, and from daily committee meetings.
  • Archived committee minutes and audio of committee meetings are available from the Secretary of State (URL:


  • Legislative publications can be provided in large print (24-hour advance notice will be required).  To order large print material contact Legislative Administration, Room 140-A or call 503-986-1848.

ADA Resources

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