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Oregon State Legislature Legislative Policy and Research Office Home Page


​​Legislativ​e Policy and Research ​​Office​

Supporting Oregon's lawmakers and the legislative process

​​​Oregon State Capitol

We are Oregon's nonpartisan Legislative Policy and Research Office, LPRO (pronounced EL- PRO). LPRO supports Oregon's lawmakers and the legislative process by providing staff support to legislative committees and responding to research and analysis requests from lawmakers. LPRO supports Oregonians in engaging with lawmakers and in the legislative process by providing language access services and coordinating public engagement and testimony on behalf of legislative committ​ees.​​​

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Legislator and Legislative Staff Training Materials​​​

LPRO provides resources for legislators and legislative staff to support the legislative process, including working with the other nonpartisan offices in the legislative branch to hold trainings for newly elected and current members of the legislature and their staff.
View resources from the trainings:

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New Announcements​

Oregon Legislative District Fast Facts​​​

The Legislative District Fast Facts​ provide a broad, informative overview of each legislative district. The District Fast Facts include ​​information about the district's legislator, four infographics with demographic, health, housing, and em​​ployment data, and an interactive district map with data layers that can be turned on and off.​​


K-12 Education Fun​ding​​​

Check out LPRO's new K-12 education funding res​ource​. It provides an overview​​ revenue sources and how they are distributed​ to local ​school districts and education service districts.​

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What We Do
Committee Chairs​​

Committee Services​

LPRO supports Oregon's lawmakers and t​he legislative process by providing staff support to legislative committees. Read on to learn more about legislative committees and how LPRO supports their work.​​
Research and Analysis​​

Research and Analysis

LPRO conducts research and analysis on a wide range of policies.​​​​
Public Engagement​​​​

Public Engagement and Testimony

LPRO provides resources to engage with legislators, bills, and legislative committees​.​​​​
Language Access Map​​

Language Access Services

LPRO provides interpre​tation, translation, and live captioning services.​​​​
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Who We Are​
Conference room table & chairs

​​Oregon's Legislative Policy and Research Office is made up of permanent and seasonal nonpartisan staff who help facilitate the legislative process.

Learn more about LPRO staff and opportunities to join us.​

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Contact Us​
pin_drop​​Where to Find Us​​​​:
255 Capito​l St NE, R​m., 5th floor, Salem, OR 97301​​​
​​​​​​ mail​​Mailing Address​​​​:
​Oregon State Capitol​, ​90​0 Court St​. NE, Rm.​ 453, Salem OR, 97301