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​Senator Michael Dembrow

Democrat - District 23 - Portland

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1723    District Phone: 503-281-0608
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-407, Salem, Oregon 97301
District Address: 2104 NE 45th Ave. Portland, OR 97213


2012 Session Legislature


For the 2012 session, each legislator is allowed to submit two bills.  My bills are described below, with links to the full bill text on the legislature's website.

House Bill 4131 - Management to Worker Ratios in State Agencies
Full text of bill
During the 2011 session the legislature passed HB 2020, which mandated agencies develop a plan to attain a staff to management ration of 11 to 1 in all agencies with greater than 100 employees.  HB 2020 required these changes to take affect by the beginning of the next biennium. In order to realize potential savings from this reduction in management, this measure partially accelerates the timeline by which agencies must make changes to staff to manager ratios. 

House Bill 4141 - Streamlining and Focusing State Workforce Investment and Development
Ensuring Oregon has a high skill, high wage workforce is crucial to the State’s business sector and long-term economic health. Yet, the current system is not focused on providing the outcomes Oregon workers and Oregon employer’s need. HB 4141 directs the governor and the State Workforce Investment Board to convene a group with representative from business, organized labor, community leaders, and pertinent state agencies together to develop a workforce structure that is focused on providing outcomes pertinent to the businesses and workers of Oregon’s communities. This group shall develop legislative proposals for the 2013 session and shall investigate the value of a work-ready community certificate program.