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Potential Conflicts of Interest and Vote Explanation Documents

Note: Per Senate Rule 3.33(1), the Senate does not require submission of written Potential or Actual Conflicts of Interest. Senators verbally declare a conflict of interest during a committee meeting or a Senate floor session.  The declaration is recorded in the committee recording log, measure history, and the Senate Journal.

HB 5005-A Nelson 6-25-2023Vote ExplanationRepresentative Travis Nelson6/25/2023HB50052023R1
HB 5005-A Pham K 6-25-2023Vote ExplanationRepresentative Khanh Pham6/25/2023HB50052023R1
HB 5005 Findley 6-25-2023Vote ExplanationSenator Lynn Findley6/25/2023HB50052023R1