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Oregon State Legislature News and Information


Legislator PhotoRepresentative - Emerson Levy

Democrat  - District 53​

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1453
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-486, Salem, Oregon 97301

collapse Year : 2024 ‎(6)
Rep. Levy Urges Action To Reduce Distraction and Harm Caused By Cell Phones In Classrooms5/30/2024 
Rep. Levy Brings $10.3 Million to Build Affordable Housing in Central Oregon 5/8/2024 
Oregon House & Senate Unanimously Pass Rep. Levy’s Co-Pay Fairness Bill3/5/2024 
Trenton's Law Passes Senate3/4/2024 
Rep. Emerson Levy Votes Yes on Measure 110 Reform & Commends Deschutes County on Commitment to Mental Health and Addiction Services2/29/2024 
Rep. Levy Introduces Legislation to Lower Prescription Drug Costs2/8/2024 
collapse Year : 2023 ‎(4)
Bill Supporting Housing Insecure Families Heads to Govenor's Desk6/22/2023 
Funding for Alyssa's Law Passes the House, A Step Closer to Keeping Schools Safe6/14/2023 
Central Oregon Legislative Support Paused as Senate Republican Walkout Continues6/6/2023 
Housing Deschutes Families Passes House Unanimously4/13/2023 
collapse Year :  ‎(1)
Letters to the Editor: Wildfire and insurance 
Bend lawmaker behind effort to curb prescription drug costs 
‘Not a political issue. It’s a human issue’: Rep. Emerson Levy introduces bill to lower prescription drug costs 
Editorial: Legislature should pass changes to e-bike laws 
Oregon House passes 'Trenton's' e-bike law after Bend teen’s death 
Bend, Rep. Levy holds e-bike roundtable, prompted by deadly collision 
Sine Die is Imminent!3/5/2024 
Week 3: Exciting Updates2/27/2024 
Week Two Updates!2/20/2024 
First Week of Oregon's 2024 Legislative Session!2/11/2024 
2024 Legislative Session Updates1/31/2024 
Happy Holidays!12/20/2023 
See you this evening!12/13/2023 
Upcoming Town Hall, ODOT Update, Next Session Preview, and More!11/30/2023 
Happy Halloween!10/31/2023 
Happy Fall!9/26/2023 
Town Hall Coming Up + Community Updates8/24/2023 
Summer Updates!7/25/2023 
Coming Up Soon: E-Bike Safety Roundtable Event7/12/2023 
Happy Sine Die!6/28/2023 
The Senate Republicans are Back6/15/2023 
It’s hard to send a “normal” weekly email with a walkout looming6/2/2023 
It’s been a busy week in Salem!5/26/2023 
Stay up to date + Constituent Chat tomorrow in Tumalo!5/19/2023 
Stay up to date!5/12/2023 
Legislative Update + You’re Invited!5/4/2023 
Virtual Townhall on Housing & Homelessness, Today!4/29/2023 
You’re Invited! This Saturday in Sisters!4/17/2023 
First Chamber Work Session Deadline4/9/2023 
Week 9 updates!3/17/2023 
40 days into the session!3/1/2023 
HB 3101 sent to the Education Committie2/9/2023 
We are in week 3 of the Legislative Session!2/2/2023 
First week of the 2023 legislative session!1/20/2023 
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