Fellow Oregonians:
Thank you for visiting my official webpage. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve in the Oregon House of Representatives. As you know, House District 20 includes the communities of Independence, Monmouth, and portions of South and West Salem.
House District 20 is unique. The Willamette River is the heart of our people and place.
Our people live in suburban, rural, and urban spaces. Our people work at factories, on farms, in forests, and in high technology jobs large and small. Few districts reflect the diversity of Oregon as well as ours. House District 20 is, in many ways, a microcosm of the magnificent Willamette Valley, and we are blessed to be here.
This is my fifth term serving in the Oregon House of Representatives. Since 2015 I have served on many advisory boards, legislative committees, task forces, and workgroups learning how our government functions and working to fight for our aspirations and values. In the 2023 Legislative Session, my assignments include the following committees: Co- Chair of the Public Safety Subcommittee, Full Joint Ways and Means Committee, Joint Transportation Committee, and Emergency Management, General Government and Veterans Committee.
Hopefully, this page will provide you with useful information as well as perspective. It is intended to provide greater access for you because I need you to be an engaged partner in shared governance. As a retired US Air Force officer, I am keenly interested in making certain all people have an opportunity to participate in our public decision-making processes. A Republic exists only as long as the people make it; we must each do our duty to secure the blessings of liberty for not only ourselves but for generations to come.
Please let me know if you want more information about a specific issue or topic. My email is Rep.paulevans@oregonlegislature.gov, and my office phone number is 503.986.1420. I maintain a Legislative office year-round, so please do not hesitate to contact me.

Rep Paul L. Evans