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Oregon State Legislature environmental_caucus


Cascades.jpgThe Oregon Legislature’s Environmental Caucus is composed of members who believe that our state requires bold environmental action in the Legislature. We know that climate change is impacting Oregon’s natural resources, wildlife, and people. Members are committed to moving quickly, thoughtfully, and boldly to address this issue. The Caucus believes that government has a critical role to play in building communities’ resilience to these impacts and preventing further environmental decline. We also believe that these actions can be taken in ways that bring economic benefits to all parts of the state.​

​Rep. Mark Gamba, Co-Chair, HD 41
Rep. Courtney Neron, Co-Vice Chair, HD 26
Sen. Khanh Pham, Co-Vice Chair, SD 23​​
Rep. Tom Andersen, HD 19
Rep. ​​​​Ben Bowman, HD 25
Sen. Anthony Broadman, SD 27
Rep. Farrah Chaichi, HD 35​
Rep. Willy Chotzen, HD 46​
Sen. Jeff Golden, SD 3
Rep. David Gomberg, HD 10
Sen. Chris Gorsek, SD 25
Rep. Ken Helm, HD 27
Rep. Zach Hudson, HD 49
Rep. John Lively, HD 7
Rep. Pam Marsh, HD 5
Rep. Travis Nelson, HD 44
Rep. Mark Owens, HD 60
Sen. Deb Patterson, SD ​​10
Sen. Janeen Sollman, SD​ 15
Sen. Kathleen Taylor, SD​​ 21​
Rep. Jules Walters, HD 37

Updated January 22, 2025

​Kathryn Duvall, Environmental Caucus Chief of Staff

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