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Legislator PhotoSenator Michael Dembrow

Democrat - District 23 - Portland

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1723   
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-407, Salem, Oregon 97301


Welcome! It's an honor to serve as your State Senator for Senate District 23, which includes portions of SE and NE Portland and the city of Maywood Park.

I hold a "Constituent Coffee" on the first Saturday of every month from 9-10:30am to talk about events in the legislature, in our community, and to address questions and concerns from constituents and attendees. These events will alternate between virtual and in-person. Please subscribe to my newsletter for more information and regular updates about Constituent Coffee events and Joint Town Halls. 

Upcoming Constituent Coffees and Joint Town Halls:

  • SD-23 Constitue​nt Coffee: Saturday September 7, 2024, 9-10:30am - In-person and Zoom
    Location: Hollywood Senior Center/Community for Positive Aging
    1820 NE 40th Ave., Portland, OR 97212​ ​
                  (Register for Zoom access here​)​​

  • Annual Bike Town Hall Saturday September 14, 2024, 12:30pm. Start biking 1-1:30pm
    Location: The Yard at Montavilla 8220 NE Davis - Will start and end in House District 45, Northeast


If you'd like to find previous email newsletter updates, you'll find them here.

If you're on the site for the first time, be sure to sign up for my email newsletter using the link to the right.  It's an easy way to stay updated on what I'm working, and receive notice of upcoming events. 

Follow me on twitter for more frequent updates.

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State Senator Michael Dembrow
District 23

Chair, Senate ​Interim Education Committee
Co-Chair​​​, Joint Committee On Ways and Mea​ns Subcommittee On Natural Resources
Member, ​Joint Interim Committee On Ways and Means​​​
Member, Joint Committee on Legislative Policy and Research 
Member, Ways and Means Education Subcommittee
Co-Chair, Environmental Caucus
​Member, ​Joint Water Caucus ​
Member, Arts and Culture Caucus
Member, Oregon Workforce Investment Board
Member, Oregon Youth Conservation Corps Advisory Committee
Member, Oregon Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs

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TwitterSenator Dembrow on Twitter 

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