2023 Session
Senator Sollman was a Chief Sponsor of the following bills for the 2023 session. Click on the bill number for more information on each piece of legislation, including bill text, bill history, and materials from any public hearings that were held.
Senate Bill 1093: Directs presiding judge of each judicial district to develop and implement coordinated public safety unrepresented defendant crisis plan, and submit plan to Oregon Criminal Justice Commission, by specified date
Senate Bill 4: Directs Oregon Business Development Department to develop grant and loan program to support businesses applying for financial assistance under Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America Act of 2022
Senate Bill 546: Requires Oregon Health Authority to adopt and maintain list of designated high priority chemicals of concern used in cosmetic products and to periodically review and revise list.
Senate Bill 548: Directs Department of Human Services to maintain inventory of luggage carriers for use when transporting personal effects of foster children.
House Concurrent Resolution 8: Designates rescued shelter dogs and cats as official state pet.
2022 Session
For the 2022 session which began in February and will run for about five weeks, each Representative is limited to having two bills drafted and introduced. Below are the two bills Senator Sollman introduced and the three additional bills she signed on as a Chief Sponsor.
Senate Bill 1576: Establishes Mattress Stewardship Fund. Establishes mattress stewardship program advisory committee. Requires stewardship organizations to submit plans for mattress stewardship programs to Department of Environmental Quality.
Senate Bill 1584: Creates procedure for filing petition for compensation for wrongful conviction
Senate Bill 1590: Directs Department of Education, in consultation with STEM Investment Council, to develop statewide, long-term strategic plan to provide computer science education.
House Bill 4098: Expands designated state agencies that must work with Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission and requires agencies to meet with commission quarterly to review and report on each agency's progress and to report process and outcome measures established under commission's comprehensive addiction, prevention, treatment and recovery plan.
House Bill 4147: Allows persons convicted of felony to register to vote, update voter registration and vote in elections while incarcerated. Specifies that person's residence is where person resided prior to incarceration.
2021 Session
Representative Sollman was a Chief Sponsor of the following bills for the 2021 session. Click on the bill number for more information on each piece of legislation, including bill text, bill history, and materials from any public hearings that were held.
House Bill 2510/Senate Bill 554: Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock, in locked container or in gun room except in specified circumstances.
Senate Bill 582: Establishes producer responsibility program for packaging, printing and writing paper and food serviceware.
House Bill 2591: Requires Oregon Health Authority to provide planning grants to 10 school districts or education service districts to evaluate need and develop plans for school-based health services.
House Bill 3294: Requires every public education provider to provide both tampons and sanitary pads at no cost to students.
House Bill 2919: Requires each public university and community college to prominently display , or establish link to website that displays, estimated costs of all required course materials and directly related course fees for no less than 75 percent of total for-credit courses offered by public university or community college.
House Bill 2395: Modifies definition of "recycled paper checkout bag" to include bags that contain nonwood renewable fiber for purposes of single-use checkout bag prohibition.
Senate Bill 704: Provides that discovery of victim's actual or perceived gender, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation does not constitute reasonable explanation for extreme emotional disturbance for purposes of affirmative defense to murder in the second degree.
House Bill 2373: Amends apprenticeship statutes to permit establishment of firefighter apprentice program.
House Bill 2498: Provides that registered owner may request that registration card issued for vehicle include that owner, or person operating vehicle, may be deaf or hard of hearing.
House Bill 2539: Provides that juror may not be identified by name in court proceeding open to public.
2020 Session
For the 2020 session which began in February and will run for about five weeks, each Representative is limited to having two bills drafted and introduced. Below are the two bills Representative Sollman introduced and the two additional bills she signed on as a Chief Sponsor.
House Bill 4005: Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock, in locked container or in gun room except in specified circumstances.
House Bill 4062: Relating to workers' compensation for occupational diseases that certain workers suffer.
House Bill 4076: Establishes Task Force on Age Discrimination.
House Bill 4098: Directs Department of Education, in consultation with STEM Investment Council, to develop statewide, long-term strategic plan to provide computer science education.
2019 Session
Representative Sollman was the Chief Sponsor of the following bills for the 2019 session. Click on the bill number for more information on each piece of legislation, including bill text, bill history, and materials from any public hearings that were held.
House Bill 2509: Prohibits retail establishments from providing single-use checkout bags to customers, except in certain cases.
House Bill 2563: Establishes Newborn Bloodspot Screening Advisory Board in Oregon Health Authority.
House Bill 2910: Requires that for person who completes prior educational requirements to participate in Oregon Promise program while confined in correctional facility, six-month period to enroll in courses to participate in program begins after person is first released from correctional facility.
House Bill 2914: Removes requirement that certain Metro lands be zoned for employment land of state significance.
Senate Bill 664: Requires school districts to provide instruction about Holocaust and genocide beginning with 2020-2021 school year.
2018 Session
For the 2018 session, which began in February, each Representative is limited to having two bills drafted and introduced. These are the two bills Representative Sollman introduced during the 2018 session. Click on the bill number for more information on each piece of legislation, including bill text, bill history, and materials from any public hearings that were held.
House Bill 4053: Requires Chief Education Office to prepare annual report on accelerated college credit programs.
House Bill 4074: Provides proceedings to escheat to State of Oregon matured United States savings bonds presumed abandoned and in custody of state.