Phone: 503-986-1243Fax:503-373-1043Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-101, Salem OR 97301
Editors and publication specialists in the Publication Services unit provide research, editorial, technical and publication expertise to help the office meet the needs of the Legislative Assembly.
The publications team reviews all drafts of legislative measures and amendments, as well as legal opinions, to ensure that drafts conform to the legislature's form and style requirements. The team also corrects errors in grammar, punctuation and syntax. In addition, the team analyzes drafts for the policy issues involved and conducts research as needed. To ensure editorial consistency and accuracy, each draft goes through a standardized review process using a detailed checklist.
Publication specialists and editors prepare and edit legislative measures in a variety of formats as the measures proceed through the many stages of the legislative process. A detailed quality control process ensures fast and accurate production of bills, amendments, engrossings and enrollings throughout the legislative session.
The team also coordinates the compilation and production of Oregon Revised Statutes; Oregon Laws; Criminal Code of Oregon; Family Laws of Oregon; Landlord and Tenant Laws of Oregon; Labor, Employment and Workers' Compensation Laws of Oregon and a variety of state agency publications.
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